Apr 12, 2005 23:27

OMG! We had our first audience for Godspell tonite! It was so exhilirating! I am so in love with this play! We had such an awesome performance! We open tomorrow nite and I cannot wait to get out there and strut my stuff! It feels so nice to get appreciated for your work. I got so many compliments tonite...I think I ended up blushing at least half the time. Dave taught me that you should not ever be too boastful or too humble. Just take the compliment and strive to keep your performance to its ultimate best. He is very We open tomorrow!!!!!! Our first paying audience!! Its sooooooo great! I am absolutely pumped up for this! Well, time for shout-outs:

Samantha: Barbara...i can't wear synthetic! You turn that man back girl!
Laura: My GHETTO! You were beautiful! Fantastic! Amazing, my sista-friend!
Dave: The finale was so kick-ass! You are so fawesome! Love ya lots!
John A: Spectacular performance! My mother absolutely loves your drumming!
This is a drug/awhat/a drug!
John H: O-M-G! You are my fav person John! THis is a tree/awhat/a tree!
Matt: I love you my sexy-abs man! You are the best!
Britt: Boy, you're my favourite philosopher! Love your theories...Oh...btw...RETRIBUTION!!!
Brett: WINK!
Kori: I really wanna thank you LORD! You were greeeeaaattt!
Ethan: OHHHH my special man! You are the best bouncing prison i have eva seen!
Tucker: I want you! lol, j/k! You didn't mess up!
Ross: Rasberry puh-leez...

Thats it for tonite...too tired to type anymore...

"If you love only those who love you, what is there extraordinary in that?"

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