Baby Zachary was born this morning

Jul 19, 2009 09:42

I woke up and felt a pop and went to the bathroom and thought that my water had broken. I thought I felt the baby about to come out, so I asked Jonathan to draw a bath for me and as soon as I sat in the water he came out (8:15am). His cord was still attached so I didn't pick him up, because I knew that if I pulled the cord, it could snap and I might not deliver the placenta. So we waited awhile and I really felt like I had to sit on the toilet, so after about an hour of waiting, I picked up Zach and Jonathan cut the cord. It was very nice holding him. He's about the size of my hand and it's clear that he's a boy. Jonathan held him for me while I moved to the toilet and I was finally in a good position to deliver the placenta.

I cried a bunch and I was okay too. I'm glad that I waited. Very glad. This was so much better.

We have pictures of him and we did a small foot print, but we've placed him in the box Jonathan made. I made a soft pillow to line it, and a blanket and a stuffed animal. We will likely have a burial sometime this week. I don't know that I want others there.

xposted in homebirth

zach's birth

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