My Journaling (the Live Way) entry for spnland_writing

Feb 26, 2010 00:30

Disclaimer: I don’t own Supernatural and I make no money on this or any other fanfic I write.
Pairing or Characters Involved: Dean
Category: General
Rating: R
Warning: Language
Title: Journaling (the Live Way)
Author: yellowhorde
Notes: This was written for the spnland_writing challenge, Journaling (the Live Way)

Dean Winchester (heavymetalman) wrote,
@ 2009-09-10 21:48:00


Let’s face it, friends and neighbors; my life has always been weird. That’s pretty much is a given considering my line of work. But now it’s getting weirder by the minute. And I mean totally fucked up beyond all belief and measure. I didn’t think that was possible what with all the angels and demons that have been kicking my ass all freaking year. But that goes to show what I know, doesn’t it?

And now they’ve gotta lay this shit on me? Unbelievable, just… it’s too much. Too fucking much. Angels are dicks. Hell, at least we always knew where the demons stood, more or less. You expect demons to deceive you, they’re the bad guys!

Sammy and I didn’t stop the Apocalypse but then again, I guess we weren’t supposed to. And now they lay this shit on me? Saying that I’m supposed to be Michael’s vessel? Are you shitting me? That’s a big Hell NO, good buddy. My life, my body. And I don’t pick up hitchhikers. Get your own meat suit, jackass.

I’m done with this shit. Just done.

Dean Winchester (heavymetalman) wrote,
@ 2009-09-19 20:33:25


Did I mention that my life is fucked up? Well, it is. For starters, Bobby’s in the hospital - probably won’t walk again. He’s pissed and I can’t say that I blame him. I would be to if I were in his shoes. And on top of that, Cas is convinced that my amulet will help him find God. Can you believe this shit? And seeing as he gave up everything to help us out in a tight spot, I couldn’t exactly say no…

And OMG! Holy shit, people, but you should’ve seen this sweet cherry mustang I saw the other day in Colorado. Hot damn! That was a nice piece of work. A real beauty. Of course, the owner was a jackass. Why do all the best, most awesome cars belong to dicks?


If I didn’t know any better I’d say the guy was trying to compensate for something, if you know what I mean. But let me tell you, behind that middle aged accountant exterior was one bad ass motherfucker.

But not as bad ass as me. XD

Dean Winchester (heavymetalman) wrote,
@ 2009-09-23 23:49:19


Sing along with me now: The internet is for porn! The internet is for porn! So grab your dick and double click for porn, porn, porn!

Dude, I thought all this journaling crap was for teenage girls and whiny brothers, but this place totally rocks my socks. Seriously. There is, I kid you not, a LiveJournal community devoted to Busty Asian Beauties. How awesome is that? They have pics of all the hot chicks that have been featured over the past five years and free previews of upcoming issues.

They even offer promotional discounts on videos and other related merchandise. I’d love a Busty Asian Beauties shot glass, you know, the ones where their clothes disappear when you fill them up with liquid? Sweet!

Plus, you get to chat with your favorite models. Miss Candy Kane from Phoenix, Arizona is a personal favorite of mine.

Hey, thanks for friending me back, by the way, Candy. You’re awesome. Maybe you and I could get together one of these days for drinks?

Dean Winchester (heavymetalman) wrote,
@ 2009-09-23 23:49:19

(posted in vintage_cars) BEST DAMNED CAR EVER

Okay, I know I’ve been talking big about awesome my car is, but now it's time to put my money where my mouth is. So, for your viewing pleasure, I’ve posted some photos I’ve taken of her over the years.

Look at that, glistening in the sun. Ah, baby, you’re awesome. I don’t know what I’d do without you.

Okay, I know these next few pics look like shit, but I just wanted to demonstrate the fantastic job I did putting her back together after we were in a freak collision with a semi. Just a word of advice, guys - always give big rigs the right of way or you may end up looking like this:

Yeah, it wasn’t pretty, believe me. Broke my heart to see her like that. Fortunately, I know this guy named Bobby Singer aka hellonwheels here on LJ. He owns this kick ass salvage yard and with his connections he can get you just about any car part imaginable. If it weren’t for him, my baby wouldn’t be looking so pretty.

Dean Winchester (heavymetalman) wrote,
@ 2009-09-25 09:58:27


The other day I took Cas out for a little night on the town. The only problem was that he’s a bit of a stick in the mud. And a virgin to boot. Yeah, I know, scary, isn’t it? It’s not like he’s ugly or anything, just… I don’t know. Repressed.

Being the nice guy that I am, I took him out to this classy joint - no street prostitutes for my friend. Personally, I don’t pay for it. Never have. Don’t need to. They don’t call me ‘Best Night of My Life Dean’ for nothing. Know what I mean?

You should have seen the look on his face! He was absolutely terrified! I tried to hook him up with this sweet little number named Chastity and she was anything but chaste. Mmm-mmm. Yummy doesn’t even begin to describe her.

As it turned out, things didn’t work out between them, but there’s always next time.

Dean Winchester (heavymetalman) wrote,
@ 2009-10-02 21:15:27


Well, Sammy and I are back together after a little trial separation. Things have been real bad between us of late and I thought we should take a breather. It was a mistake, and I know it was a mistake, now. We’re better when we’re together - stronger. Hell, if you can’t turn to family when the shit hits the fan, you’re pretty much screwed. At least that’s how I see it.

So, we’re trying to decide on which job we’re gonna take, but there are so many out there - too many, if you ask me. The world is going to hell in a hand basket and that’s no lie.

So, I’m gonna ask what you guys think. Because you’re awesome like that. Just click on one of the little boxes.

So what do you think, should we:

Go vampire hunting in Vermont?

Do some ghost busting in Carolina?

Get psychiatric help?

Rock, paper, scissors! FTW!

Okay, the votes are in and it’s vampires in Vermont! Kinda has a nice ring, doesn’t it?

Dean Winchester (heavymetalman) wrote,
@ 2009-10-08 22:35:05


Paris Hilton kicking my ass? What the hell is up with THAT? She’s a soft, pampered millionaire’s daughter. Probably more interested in working on her nails than on her biceps, and yet, I’m the one down for the count. Granted, it wasn’t the REAL Paris Hilton - it was actually a pagan god - but still. Female. Christ, but that was messed up.

And Sam sure as hell didn’t make me feel any better. “Dude, you just got wailed on by Paris Hilton!” Give me a freaking break. For the last time, it WASN’T Paris Hilton.

…It just looked like her, that’s all.

Still, I don’t want to even think about how many times in the last five years I’ve had my ass handed to me by a chick. Because that’s just embarrassing. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say it was karma coming back to bite me in the ass…

Dean Winchester (heavymetalman) wrote,
@ 2009-10-30 15:26:14


Seriously, the whole growing old thing sucks ass. We’re all in such a hurry to grow up when we’re kids, but what we don’t realize - until too late, that is - is that once you’re old, you’re old FOREVER.

Someone once said that youth was wasted on the young. And I’ll be damned if it isn’t true. I don’t know who said it, but I’m sure Sammy would. He’s a walking encyclopedia of useless information.

Gray hair or wrinkles aren’t the only problems, either. You’re hearing fails, you’re eyesight is all shot to shit. And the chicks don’t respect a man with dentures.

I got a taste of the so called golden years, and let me tell you, they’re nothing to write home about. You can’t eat the food you want, can’t do the things you’ve gotta do, you’re falling apart.

One thing I did learn is that you’ve gotta take care of your heart. And that means that I’ll be watching what I eat from now on… And I’ll get right on that.

Tomorrow, for sure.

Dean Winchester (heavymetalman) wrote,
@ 2009-11-08 15:26:14


Dude, there sure are a lot of hunters on this site. I had no idea. I guess that makes sense, seeing as this is a social networking site - duh! There aren’t many of us, in fact, we’re a little short handed. But you guys already know that, don’t ya? What can I say? It’s a dangerous business, we’re scattered all over the country and we can’t exactly recruit, now, can we?

In the interest of doing the most good, I’ve started up a community devoted to helping hunters and victims alike. It’s called family_business. The premise is simple - people all over the country can come here to tell us about their supernatural problems. If their claims sound legitimate, then we could recommend a hunter or specialist in or around their area who would be willing to help them out. Kind of like the internet version of the yellow pages.

Who ya gonna call? LOL

What do you say? We get organized, help some people and kill as many evil sons of bitches as we can.

It’s a win/win situation for everyone.

Dean Winchester (heavymetalman) wrote,
@ 2009-11-20 00:26:14


We were so certain we would succeed. What the hell were we thinking? Kill the devil - sure, no problem.

Turns out, Cas was right. It was an insane idea in the first place. The Colt seemed to be our best bet, but we were wrong. So fucking wrong. And Jo and Ellen paid the price.

I can still hear the explosion in my dreams. See Jo and Ellen’s faces, the fear, the determination. Taste the tears on Jo’s lips when I kissed her goodbye. They gave up their lives so we could save the world. Goddamn it, it shouldn’t have gone down like that. We had a perfect opportunity to ice the Devil and we fucked up - big time.

How many friends will we lose before it’s all said and done? How many innocents will suffer because we weren’t strong enough to stop the Devil?

I’m starting to think that there’s no way out of this for us. One way or another one of us will give in, say yes. It’s not fair, but when has life ever been fair?

It’s too much. Too fucking much. But there’s nothing we can do except keep on fighting, keep on going through the motions. But is it really doing us any good?


fandom: supernatural, genre: general, type: challenge, character: dean winchester, pairing: none, type: fanfic

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