Drabble a Day - Day #04 - Insult to Injury - SPN

Feb 04, 2010 17:47

Disclaimer: I don’t own Supernatural and I make no money from this or any other fanfic I write
Pairing: None
Category: Humor
Rating: G
Warning: None
Title: Insult to Injury
Author: yellowhorde
Notes: This was written for the LiveJournal community, 31_days. February 4th, 2010 - sun-kissed

“Man, it’s great to see the sun again,” Dean sighed, digging keys out of his pocket.

“Where’re we going?”

“It’s been raining for three weeks, Cas,” Dean slipped behind the wheel. “My baby needs some TLC.”

Castiel examined the car critically. Sunlight bounced off chrome and steel but the windows were dirty and mud caked the exterior. “You’re right. She’s looking pretty bad.”

Dean glared at him. “Dude, that’s harsh. One more word and you’re walking.”

“I’m sorry, Dean,” Castiel said, quietly. “I meant no harm.”

“Here that, baby? He’s sorry. Better? Good. Now, let’s get you taken care of.”


fandom: supernatural, character: castiel, word count: 100 (drabble), character: dean winchester, pairing: none, genre: humor, rating: g

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