(fic) Better the Second Time Around

Jan 28, 2011 21:59

Disclaimer: I don’t own Supernatural and I make no money from this or any other fanfic I write
Pairing or Characters Involved: Meg
Category: General
Rating: PG
Warning: None
Title: Better the Second Time Around
Author: yellowhorde
Notes: This was written for the LiveJournal community, spnland_writing - Sunrise challenge.

"It's a prison, made of bone and flesh and blood and fear."

And, that, friends and neighbors, was Hell in a nutshell. She hadn’t been lying to Sam. Hadn’t exaggerating about that. No need to. But it wasn’t all bad. Being a demon had its both it’s perks… and its drawbacks. Yeah, you know, like the whole “phenomenal cosmic powers, itty bitty living space” thing.

It wasn’t fun, but, then again, hello! Hell! Not supposed to be a picnic.

And so, she had escaped. Clawed her way up to the top where blue skies and sunshine awaited her. And, of course, the Winchesters. Couldn’t forget about them. Oh, no, no, no. That wouldn’t do at all .

Now that Lucifer was free, things would be different. With him leading the way, they’d take over the whole world. Even Heaven itself.

The thought pleased her. It pleased her a lot.

Meg sighed happily as she stretched her arms over her head, luxuriating in the play of muscles, the way her shirt hiked up slightly to expose a peek of taut belly.

“Ah, there’s nothing like that new meat suit smell.”


fandom: supernatural, fanfic, genre: general, pairing: none, character: meg masters, word count: 101 - 999, rating: pg

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