Mar 31, 2009 17:28

As of sunday i am now an official Gainesville Roller Rebel! Man to think just 12 weeks ago i was falling on my ass and haha i still am but now i have some jammer potential and can give some really hard hits! Im having such a hard time figuring out a stupid derby girl persona though...for the past 2 weeks ive been pretty much non stop thinking about a name and none really stick...i wanted something with either heathen or heat in it so josh came up with hardass heathen or hammering heathen but im really not feeling those but as of now im probably just gonna settle for the first one...some others i came up with were Beatmasta Heat, Heat Porter Hottie (totally stole this one from ronda), Heat Heart Burn Her, Heat in the Oven (saw on some site and thought it was cute), DJ Heat, Heathen Heartbreaker, Heathen Mc Carthy (stocky came up with that one),HeathBar, Heathen Van Hooligan, Hood Rat Heat, Heathen Hammer....I need to make a decision like by tonight butttttttttttt its so hard... but anyway my first bout should i decide to take on the mission is gonna be on April 19th up here in gainesville at smelly ol skate should be a slaughter factory cause all use non new newbies are gonna be out there skating around like tards haha well not kristin shes gonna fucken rock pish i feel pretty much everyone else is gonna kick ass except fer me but ya know thats just the downer vision i have what ya gonna do...Pep up Bitch time to play!
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