Jul 22, 2005 02:15
I love that whenever I come home from work now I reek from a new odor. Tonight's eau de toilette: ham and some pretentious cheese that they sell on a plate with some cherries, balsamic & panforte and sell for at least 7 or 8 bucks. Actual cost to restaurant? I'm guessing something like $3 tops. Ridiculous.
Tonight was almost fun--wait, of course it wasn't fun. What I mean is there seems to be an end to the tunnel and it's easier to deal with the bullshit inherent in a job like this when you're fairly sure you won't be there much longer. The reason for the turning tide in my attitude? In the last 36 hours or so I have scheduled 4 interviews at places I can see myself working and not wanting to bust the fuck out during the shift. A couple more places are promising and now I'm wondering when and if I should tell my current employers I'm gettin' the fuck out of Dodge. I work every night from now until Monday night, and then have three days off. I've got one of those interviews Friday and the rest either Monday or Tuesday. Should I be so bold as to tell my boss Monday that I won't be able to work past that night? They have people coming into 'stage' (of course you have to pronounce it like a goddamn frog 'stahz'), which is a sort of audition all next week, so if I leave surely they can get one of these numbskulls in to take my place. After last weekend and this coming one I should have enough to cover my rent come August. Ever since Kate pimped/stretched the truth on my resume the other week people seem more attracted to Jon Hoover, and I'm feeling better about landing some form of employment that doesn't completely suck. Holy shit, I'm totally taking her out to Outback or the Olive Garden ASAP bitch!!!
Party people, I want to be able to tear shit up with y'all on the nights and weekends! I don't want to smell like ham or stinky cheese anymore!
Oh, my favorite moment of the day: I spent the morning at Kate and Apple's waiting for the Comcast people to show up and reinstate the cable. Around 9:30 one of the largest black women I've ever seen lumbers up the stairs and proceeds to make no goddamn sense. I seriously understood about 1 out of every 6 words that came from her mouth. The one phrase I do remember quite clearly was when she was flipping through the channels and stopped on Telemundo or some shit where a wacky talkshow was showing. Quoth the Comcast Rotunda: "those fuckin' Spanish people love arguin' n' shit just like on Jerry Springer."