SPN: 8x13 Everybody Hates Hitler Review

Feb 11, 2013 02:21

Yes this is really late but again this is me and guy's are probable used to it by now.

Another fantastic episode, if the writers keep this up I might start liking season 8.

OK so it's 1:45am in the morning and I have a doctors appointment first thing. Looking forward to that. So if this is kinda all over the place etc please keep that in mind. X3

Because of the really cheesy promo, I was worried they would go OTT with it but it was great. And they could have easily made the Golem a joke but he was bad-ass and kinda scary. Forget Angels, I want a Golem!!

Found out that the actor that played the Golem, worked with Jensen before in Dark Angel, which was pretty neat. (Thank you Tumblr.)

Aaron was great too, I just loved how he talked back to the Golem "yeah keep walking." and the Golem pushing him outta the way so he could get into the motel first.

Would love for them to come back again.

Of course there usually is something that bug's me about an episode, so this week it was the whole gay not pick up thing. Maybe you guy's thought it was funny, But for me it was just awkward fan-service that wasn't funny.

Don't even get me started on the whole this proves Dean's Gay/Bi crap that this scene caused.

Yeah.....while they all argue about that I will just enjoy Sammy in his sweater vest. OK maybe I'm biased cause I'm a Sam/Jared fan but he is looking even more fine this season.

Hurt Sammy and Big brother Dean is my bread and butter. Dean not leaving Sam's side and even though Sam was dieing he didn't stop till he was near Dean. ;A;

Good thing the Golem listened to Dean. Again I laughed so loud when the dart hit the Golem and he didn't react and then grabbing that guy though the book shelve.

Also I'm sorry but Dean's batman voice is getting beyond a joke, if it get's any deeper I will have to put subtitles on to understand what he is saying. One of the reason's why I'm not crazy about the 2nd actress for Meg is that raspy voice she put's on, it just greets on me after awhile. =/

BTW when Sam got poisoned did he die?! See I thought he and Aaron where near death but alot of people have been saying "Sam back from the dead again."

Another enjoyable episode, here's to more. (please)

+ Sam in his sweater vest
+ The Golem
+ Aaron
+ Hurt Sam/Big brother Dean
+ Funny moments


- The whole gay pick up scene with Aaron/Dean not funny just awkward fan-service
- Dean's batman voice

The promo for next week looks good. The writers have been on a roll so fingers crossed they keep it going.

spn season 8, season 8, review, golem, 8x13, epiosde review, season 8 supernatural, 8th season, sam and dean, everybody hates hitler

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