SPN: 8x12 As Time Goes By Review

Feb 03, 2013 00:59

WHAT!! I'm doing a review for season 8?! O-o

OK so this is two day's later then I planned but I'm still sick and just the thought of looking at a computer screen made my head hurt. (Looking for sympathy.)

What a difference a week makes?!

No Castiel, No Crowley just Sam and Dean.

This episode had a very early season feel to me. Which I loved. Also Sam and Dean in handcuffs me likey. Just waiting for the fan fic's. ;)

Yes I know there where some plot holes but honestly this episode just really worked for me. The only thing that bugged me was Dean's line to Henry about John “He was always there for us”.

Yeah What happened to “My dad was an obsessed bastard! He wasn’t there for Sam, I always was!”

Just like when some fan on Twitter asked one of the new writers how come Castiel can find Sam and Dean when they have the signals that stop angels from finding them. And the writer just said he didn't know about that because it was before "his" time.

Come on guy's, actual watch the show and REMEMBER canon please?! I know there's new writer's etc but come on.

I loved Henry!! Yes he was a little stuck up till he found out the boy's where his grandsons. I just really liked his character. He beats Grandpa Campbell hands down. Also on a Shallow note I can see where John got his good looks.

I'm liking the whole new addition to the mythology and Henry being a Man Of Words. And also wanting John in the family business, it's really interesting. It FINALLY feel's like season 8 is getting somewhere with the plot. Oh god when he said that hunters where apes and the boy's face's (especially Dean's.) was priceless. I knew he was going to die (come on this is Supernatural.) but his death was so heart breaking. I love how he held on to both Sam and Dean and of course his final line "I didn't know my son as a man. but having met you two, I know I would have been proud of him."

The Devil trap in the bullet's was brilliant, since the colt is long gone, this will be very handy for the boy's I'm sure.

Protective Big Brother Dean, where the hell have you been? XD

Dean's line to Henry “He’s my brother and he’s the only family I got.” and he wasn't risking Sammy. Now that's the Dean and Supernatural I know. Also Dean telling Henry that he and Sam stopped the Apocalypse was a big step for him. Actually taking credit for saving the world. Way to go Dean.

The whole Cambell's being the brawn and the Winchester's being the brains was spot on. Everyone say's Sam is just like John and even Grandpa Campbell said Dean reminded him of Mary. BTW 100 points for the writers for making Mary the brawn.

Sam finding his place in the Winchester equation and not feeling so left out, what's not to love.

Someone made a point on Tumbler which I think is pretty awesome. That John thinks his father abandoned him (tears) and then finding out that Sammy (who I'm sure reminded John of his father, being into books etc.) was going too. No wonder he lost it and that boy's and girls is where Dean got his abandonment issues. XD

Though it didn't have much competition, As Time Goes By is my favorite episode of season 8 to date. If the rest of the season is like this, I can and will look over the very crappy start to the season.

+ Protective Big Bother Dean
+ Devil's Trap Bullets
+ The episode having a early season kinda vibe
+ Abaddon
+ The whole the Winchester's are the brains (Sam) and the Campbell's are the brawn (Dean)

-+ Writers forgetting canon

- The promo for next week looks OK BUT WTF was with the cheesy voice over guy.

season 8, episode review, review, as time goes by, supernatural season 8, john, sam, spn, 8th season, 8x12, dean

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