equilibrium t.m.*epilogue*toraxsaga

Feb 08, 2009 19:44

Title: equilibriumt.m.
Author: yellow_shuffle
Beta Reader/Editor: charlotte8888uk
Rating: PG-13(?) *i seriously don't know!
Band(s): alice nine., hyde, & gackt *but many more to cumcome XD
Pairings: ToraxSaga, ShouxHiroto, KaixNao
Summary: In a world where winning is the only option, people tend to get parsimonious. They'll do anything they can just to get on top, they'll use everything they can and if they have to, they'll even use their own family members to destroy each other.
Chapter: prologue prologue/??
Tagline: "Power tends to Corrupt. Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely."
Synopsis: "
Yeah, I know. Billions of people from a vast array of nationalities, colour and status would love to be in my position. But, being a son of a wealthy billionaire also takes it's toll....* fun.. one of the many words that can be related to happiness that my father forcefully removed from my vocabulary. "
Disclaimer: I gave Nao a jar of honey and he said: "Take me! I'm yours!" i don't own them.. but soon enough, I will.
Genre: Fluff, High School, Angst, Randomness XD
Notes Okay, I was planning to do this as a "fluff" fic., but, I discussed a few things about it with my lovely editor... and errmm.. we decided it to be like this... XDDD and the whole "tycoon-business-economical-personal" fights are also bugging me for awhile now. XDDD

Saga P.O.V.

"I think the other one suits you more than that, Saga" my best friend said as he continued drinking the red iced tea which had an umbrella and lemon on the mouth of the slim, long glass.

"You think so, Shou?" I asked him as I turned to the mirror and looked at myself wearing a typical suit with a shiny, smooth and authentic necktie from China.

"I know so," He said as he got up from his seat and placed the glass on a mahogany tray that one of our maids, who was wearing a light blue uniform, was holding. "But.."

I then turned to him, as I loosened the knot on my tie. Then, I stepped down off the podium and took off the coat.

"..If you want ladies to look at you more than twice in that gala, I suggest you wear the first one."

"..you mean that pathetic shiny suit?!..Hell no."

"You really don't wanna get laid tonight?!.. Oh my god!.. I thought you were just joking when I asked you about girls in maths!.."

I knitted my brows. What the fuck does he mean by get laid? Sometimes, I just can't get what this guy is saying at all. I ignored him as he started to laugh in a suppressed manner. I started to make my way to the double-doors and got out of the room.

I have more important business to do than to attend that stupid gala anyway! I mean, I still have to write an article for the school paper, finish my take-home quiz in maths, finalise my mosaic for arts and crafts and get ready for the National Achievements Test* that I'm gonna take. Oh my god~ Did I used the word business and school activities in one paragraph?! Arrrgggghh! I'm tuning into someone like my father, calling everything he does business.

Stupid Gala. Why does my father even have to host that annually? Isn't 14 hours of work enough for him that he still wants to accommodate a party where he and his business partners, competitors, their wives and their arrogant and ignorant children have to meet up and talk about how good they're doing and how rich they are!

Dang~ I hate them. I hate that Gala. I hate my stupid father. I hate my best friend but most of all, I hate this life I'm in!

Yeah, I know. Billions of people from a vast array of nationalities, colour and status would love to be in my position. But, being a son of a wealthy billionaire also takes it's toll. I can't go out without the pesky body guards, I can't go home alone, I can only have friends within my father's elite community, I can't go out to bars or do anything that a normal teenager would call as: "fun." Gawd~ fun.. one of the many words that can be related to happiness that my father forcefully removed from my vocabulary. I know right! Cruel, isn't it? But if you think those are the only things he forced me to do, gawd!~ you don't know anything yet!

I continued to stroll down the long, European-inspired, browner-than-average beige halls, with tall gothic windows. I look out of one of the gigantic windows and saw more than a hundred caterers decorating the 2 hectare garden.

2 years ago, the friggin' gala was held at a beach house, many came and many of them puked into the vast ocean. Dang~ The businessmen were having the time of their lives. That is, without the involvement of money. Then, last year, it was in a country villa, which turned out to be rather..ermm..productive. I got to meet other people of my kind. Well, that's what my dad said anyway.

Well, Shou is one of my kind. I mean, we don't like spending alot of money and we also don't like the way our fathers treat..errmm.. commoners

I sighed and chuckled. The gala's fast approaching and I still don't have anything to wear. Damn~~

I have to get the hell out of this place. Fast.

Tora P.O.V.

crriinnggg.. crrriiinnnggg..

My annoying phone rang and vibrated in my chest pocket. Darn~ who's calling me now?! Aren't they aware that I'm still grounded?

Stupid friends.. trying to tease and seduce me to break another stupid rule that my father came up with

I slipped my hand under the silk blanket and to my chest pocket, where my vibrating and ringing phone was. I pulled it out and looked at its glowing screen.

Damn! What does he want now?! Isn't staying up 'til 6 in the morning for him and helping him with his paper work enough already?! God, damn him! Why does he always have to pester me so much?! Why can't he just give me what I need and I'll give him what he wants.

I lightly pressed my thumb onto the screen of the phone and slid it up. I pressed it against my ear, ready to hear his command.

"Get your ass down here. Now."

"Huh?! What is it that you want now?! I'm sleeping!"

"Like I care... Just get down here."

"..fucking retard..." I softly whispered.

"I heard that, you ungrateful scrounger!"

"..yeah, right. You dim-witted, avaricious and egoistical autistic." I said mockingly as I brushed the sleep from my eyes.

"Darn it, Shinji! Another redundant word from that mouth of yours and I swear to your deceased and good-for-nothing mothers grave stone, that I will cut your tongue with a pen."

"Hey! Don't drag my mum into your damnation!" I practically yelled over the phone.

How dare he bring my mum and his sister into this! He doesn't have the right to! ..and he never will.

"Darn it, Shinji! Just get down here! Or do you want me to go up there and kick you soon-to-be sorry butt out of that bed?!"

"Try me."

"Don't mind if I do." Then, I heard the dial tone, indicating that our conversation was over. I slammed my aching head back onto the soft, Egyptian pillow and it's Italian satin and stepped inside the dream station that would soon bring me to ease.

After 3 minutes, I heard my doors swing open and slam onto the oyster white walls. Seriously, I don't have to get my head out of the soft pillow, because, darn it~, I already know who it is.

"Get up and out of that friggin' bed, Shinji!" I heard him shout his lungs out. Yeah, right. Like I'm gonna obey you, dumb ass. Then, I heard footsteps echoing in my rather large room. I took the adjacent pillow and pressed it to my ears.

"Darn it! You'll never go far with that attitude of yours!" Damn, even if I cover my ears with all the pillows I can find in this mansion, I'll still hear him! There's nothing else I can do. I withdrew the pillow from my head and opened my eyes and saw him untying the ribbon of the long, delicately embroidered moss green curtains.

Then, he pushed the curtains to the side and the red-orange glow of the sun entered my room. Not to mention how much that friggin' glow hurt my eyes. Dang~ I even shrieked. And, I bet he heard me. I watched him walk towards one of the three other windows whose curtains weren't yet opened.

"I'll open this one too, if you don't get your ass out of that bed." He said mockingly with his grey eyes glaring at me. Dang~

I shoved the blanket aside and got out of the bed in a husky manner.

"Happy?" I asked him as I slipped into my slippers.

"Not yet," he said with a devil's smile then, pulled the curtains to the side. I shrieked as the light penetrated my eyes. Damn him! He knows nothing but how to pester me.

"That's for not getting out of bed when I told you to." Then, he approached me as he slipped his left hand into his pocket. He took out a black, elegant looking envelope.

"What's this?" I asked as I was about to take the item from his hand. "More paper work, Gackt?" Before I could even touch the envelope, he slapped it on my head.

"It's an invitation to Sakomoto's Gala." He looked at me directly in the eyes. I know that look. He wants me to do something for him. "And call me Tou sama"

Tou sama?! I chuckled. He's not my father! And even if he took me in and trained me to be his heir, I still wouldn't allow myself to think that he's my father. But right now, I know. That's all he needs to hear. Besides, since his daughter's death, that word hasn't been said in this whole mannor.

"Okay, Tou sama" I said in a sarcastic tone. "What do you want me to do? Trash the party?"

"No.. You'll see." He handed me the envelope and walked towards the door. "And by the way, get down already, the designer's waiting for you." Then, he slammed it shut.

"Hai~" I said as I walked towards my laptop and fanned the envelope. I looked at my laptop's screen and was awe-struck by the time: 3:34 pm.

Dang~ I've been asleep for more than 8 hours?! It's all that Gackt's fault. I'll never do his paper work again! But since this is the first time that I'll ever have gone to that party and will meet the notorious Sakomoto Family, I have some research to do.

yay~ epilogue of my 1st series~ yay~~~ if this one turns to have a some good reviews..or not.. XDD i'm gonna update soon on this~

Comments and Criticism are very welcome in my world of Cashew Flavored Ice Cream XDD

shuffled_world my personal journal

alice nine, series, epilogue, equilibrium, toraxsaga

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