Senior-itis is in Full Swing

Apr 06, 2005 20:40

Today was the most beautiful day of the new year, thus far. It hit 80 degrees today and I knew I needed to take advantage of it.

The smallest changes in my daily routine, such as wearing short sleeves or walking outside to class, leave me with the biggest smiles. At lunch, we eat outside and soak up the sun, then kick back and toss around a bee. I love it.

Today at 4 o'clock, about 20-30 of us got together and played frisbee in the park. it was beautiful. I played like crap, but it felt great to get out and run around in the sun without my shirt. I may have even gotten a little burned on my face, but that's great. It means thats summer's coming. I'm ready to move on and get out of here.

BTW, we're gonna play every wednesday from 4-6 in the park, leave one if you wanna join.

Half of it is just that i feel so done with school. I don't feel like learning or doing any more homework. I feel burnedout. Who doesn't? I'm taking forensics now and i don't know why. i really don't care about forensics, at all. LOL, its hard work too; hard work that i'm not interested in doing. I think the teachers are feeling it too. For about 2 weeks or so, i haven't gotten any really hard or big assignments, nor have i gotten homework in all 3 of my real classes on the same day. I'm not complaining, i'm enjoying.

So, leave comments if you wanna play frisbee, or if you just can't wait to graduate!!!!
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