Feb 04, 2004 00:00
The other night I had a party for a girl at work. She turned 17 and her parents didn't want her to have people over. At about 10:00 I realized why Dayna's mom didn't want the party at her house. Like 86 people were here. It was alot of fun and I hope that Dayna had a really awesome birthday. A funny story.... Me and 3 other people were outside on the porch and they were setting off fire crackers. Sky turns towards the house, where it's really dark, and tries to light one. Apparently he lit the part that actually explodes so it exploded in his hand and then hit me in the face. For like 54 seconds we were both panicing.... I thought my face had been blown off and he thought his hand was missing. Not to mention that fact that it makes a really loud noise... so my face was numb and I was deaf. Fun times. After I realized that my face was infact still attached I laughed for like 12 hours. The rest of the party was very entertaining. My straightedge friends were in my room listening to music and hardcore dancing, while Dayna's friends were in the livingroom doing whatever. Moe was in charge of making sure no alcohol was being put into anyone's drink and Lizzie, Ryan, Josh, Ryan H, and two of their friends were drinking. Once everyone left I could breath again. Then I left and went to Sky's house. That was interesting. Overall my weekend was really fun. O and by the way I got nothing but good reports from the doctor so that made me very happy.