Crappy News, Now some Happy News.

Aug 28, 2013 23:06

So August 16 was my last official day of work. I spent last week all last week doing 'Mommy Camp' with Nechama we went somewhere every day. Even if it was to run errands, or Costco or Food Shopping. Last week I had unemployment.

Nechama's teacher from last year is also the Director of the school, as a brief explanation. She and I had spoken on and off since May about me possibly working for the school. Intially as an afternoon teacher, but when it came down to it she wanted me to be an assistant. Whichs is an insult, I'm a liscensed special education teacher, and you want me to be a helper? I don't think so. So I actually month ago the same week my Grandfather passed away. Said 'you can't pay me what I'm worth' and I don't want to make a commitment to you based upon my expenses and have a GOOD job offer come up and leave for $$$.'

That's how we left the conversation professionally. At that point she needed a therapist who does the work I do, but wasn't sure if I had the right age/liscense. Basically 3-5 is one title, 5+ is another title. But the 5+ doesn't usually pay as well and unless your THE pullout teacher in the school it doesn't pay(in terms of hours/workload).

Monday she called me. The parent is contesting the move up(lawyer obtained), so because of the legal process the child can still receive under the 3-5. So the Director said to the Agency these are the therapists we want. Now I have a relationship with all the teacher's in the school. And I had a 5+ at the camp over the summer, so they were happy with my general work ethic, and they've known me 9 years.

So I had to call the Agency. I went in yesterday to do paperwork, and met with EVERYONE. I go back for a training tomorrow for the new agency. I'm quite excited because the pay rate is a nice amount. IT is definitely reflective of my work experience which is nice to see reflected.

So I have work for September it may start the week after labor day, it might now start until after the yom tovim. So I have overall relief as to having work, and it seems like the numbers pretax are almost double my unemployment after taxes. So I'm relieved.
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