Baurch Hashem it seems as tho the tides are turning....

Jan 16, 2013 23:17

There have been a lot of stressors in my life. There always are so what am I talking about. I know I post infrequently, between lj sucking lately, and life being a clusterfuck at times, I'm overwhelmed for the most part.

Tonite I have some good things I want to note for myself. Postive things that are going on in our lives.

Nechama has been wearing panties during the day for about a month. She still seems to think it's ok to crap in underwear, and doesn't really get her bodies indications for a bowel movement, but pee she's doing really good with. She also thinks it's hysterical to crap in her underwear, she's proud of herself when she makes 'poopy in her panties'

We were FINALLY approved for a Mortgage modification last week. I still HATE Chase, but at least this worked out. We started the application process back in August. The rate is ridiculous in comparison to where we started from. At this point we will be paying just over $1k less a month for the next five years.

Mike was offered a job this evening. He went on the interview last nite. It's in the same field he's been in, so he knows his stuff. The salary is just under what he was making at his old firm per year when he was salaried. So it's not more money, its like $100 less a check before taxes, more or less. IT does not include benefits, but hopefully the income and the reduced mortgage will balance each other out. I am so relieved. I already see a shift in attitude and self esteem.
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