I think the reason I spend so much time on social media is...

Oct 16, 2012 12:28

I have low self esteem.

I managed to engage myself in a 'conversation' last nite on facebook, regarding a friend's daughter's upcoming birthday party. On the invite page I mentioned what I thought were like 2 annoyingish things my husband had said liek I found him annoying.

Now I realize that people go into situation with their own baggage. Unfortunately things got misunderstood and the 'friend' was insulted and not only univited us but blocked me on facebook.

I am admittedly upset. I respect her on her decision, but I dislike that I can not contact her to at least resolve the situation. Not about the party, but if she doesn't want me in her life that's her call, but I need to clarify whatever was said that insulted her.

Apparently the party was this upcoming weekend. She mentioned it was Dora themed, costumes optional and they would be showing a Dora Halloween DVD.

I mentioned about my husbands ambivalence (he's a stick in the mud) about we don't celebrate Halloween, but I was trying to bring him around. And a concern about kosher food.

I probably said a few things jokingly about my husband, or him being annoying as I REALLY wanted to go to this party even though it would be a challenge.

This was her response: I'm just messaging you let you know that the comments you made on the event page for Nellie's party were very offensive to me. I understand and respect all religious beliefs and practices and I find it very offensive when people do not have the same respect for my life choices and religious preferences. I do not tolerate that kind of thinking, and I have to uninvite you to Nellie's party. Openness and respect of all people and religions is something I believe in teaching Nellie. Nellie is raised in a Jewish lifestyle, attends a Jewish preschool, and I still consider myself of Jewish faith. Pork and shellfish are not eaten in my house, as I respect Nellie's father's wishes to uphold Kosher standards. My decision to leave my ex husband should not dictate if someone will come to a toddler birthday party. I hope you understand my convictions. As I am sure that you would be equally upset if someone made similar comments about you, your family, and your beliefs. Please don't take it as a personal attack on you or your beliefs. I would say the same thing to my parents (and did after they expressed their dislike for my decision to leave Nisim immediately after I did. They have since seen how narrow-minded they were and have accepted and understood my decision. And now we have a better relationship than ever) or to any friends. Again, I hope you understand my views on this.

I'm upset because I lost a friend today. Clearly if some one was really a good friend, they'd call you on your shit. But I'm a touch upset, because I hurt someone and I didn't mean to. I'm not that kind of person.
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