15 [Video/Lazy Spam]

Jan 04, 2012 18:32

((Technically this is a spam/log post, but since not everyone has access to the log comm on all their journals yet, I figured I'd just do it here. This all takes place after this thread.

X-posted to LJ, but please comment on Dreamwidth.))

[Private to the first name he hits, which happens to be LEONARD MCCOY.]

[Jesse is sitting up (barely) on the floor in one of the common rooms, looking like a Goddamn mess. One eye is swollen shut, he's bleeding from half a dozen places... the net effect is like someone took a rolling pin to his head. Several times. His speech is slurred, but intelligible.]

Hey, yo... that jag Hoffman's on the loose again.

[He starts to get up, slumps back with a wince, holding his ribs.]

I'm gonna... infirm'ry. Yeah. In a second. [He'll make it there, eventually! Probably.]

[Open spam, later.]

[He's looking better after Bones gets him cleaned up and puts a couple of hypos in him -- although only, Jesse made him promise, the kind that won't get him high, because he does not trust himself with that shit. Now he's lying in bed, gingerly nursing his sad, sad ribs, the bruises and cuts on his face gradually fading. Come bother him!]

jesse gets a beating, doctor his name is cooler than he is, jesse needs a damn hug

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