and the struggle continues...

Mar 25, 2007 21:21

(totally want to go watch that now on, haven't been there in a while to revel in epileptic text paired with odd music)

anyway, so. housing in Vancouver = EXPENSIVE, esp. for someone who for the first time in her life had a negative account balance last week and who only makes about 120 dollars every two weeks.
the good news: found someone with an ad posted saying they have a room available may 1st to aug. 31st and it's literally a block away from the college.
not-so-good news: trying to find $550 for each of four months (or even three and a half, if they'd let me get away with not paying for all of august)...going to be difficult, esp. if the program already costs $2000. especially if i'm not going to be allowed to work. that's really what's killing me. it won't matter at all that the program ends at 4:30 and leaves weekends open if i don't have a job. I might be able to find housing a little (or a lot ><) farther away for 450 a month, but still. doesn't make that a whole lot better. the US dollar's advantage will also help a little, but not, i'm afraid, quite enough. and i'm still worried about whether i can morally make the decision not to be home all summer. ALL. SUMMER. i makes me feel like a shitty daughter. with all the divorce stuff going on and all. and if i somehow managed to scrape together funds to last me the summer i'd probably have no money for books come next semester, and that's not fair to my mother, who would feel obligated to help. right now, i can't even pay for the application fee without dipping into my savings account (thank god i had about 1000 dollars sitting there), and i already did that to get out the money i need to pay taxes, which is really soon.

meanwhile, i'm sending two other applications in the mail, one to some small thing in AZ and one to that Boston one. i'm going to try to ask someone for another letter of rec for that scholarship, but i NEED to decide what program i want it to apply to.

it's not that i don't appreciate being accepted by langara; i'm really really happy; but the logistics and consequences of actually going are more or less terrifying me.

...i think i have another 1000 dollars in a CD somewhere, but i have no idea when i'm allowed to take it out or how wise it would be to do that.

EDIT: so, i only owe 60$ worth of taxes this year???! last year, it was like..600, and i didn't even have a job then. WHAT? but good. that's good. wow.

EDITY EDIT: HAR. That's just state taxes. I owe $375 to the federal government. Which means the money I took out of my savings account AND my next paycheck are going toward that. AWWWRIGHT!

summer, freakout

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