we didn't start the fire...

Dec 10, 2005 15:52

so last night after halo and watching some out-of-nowhere drunk vs. sober fighting this one kid whose name i can never remember and I burned random things outside on the balcony of the kitchenette we were in. oh and this was in Thomson Hall if you didn't get that from the brief description above. so we were burning an already crispy pizza roll of unidentifyable flavor when taylor instructed us to burn his socks. so we did, thanks to a nice supply of lighter fluid, a charcoal grill, and a box of matches. it was pretty sweet. the socks didn't looks like they were burning so much as they were completely encased in flame. there's a difference, i swear. but anyway there were these tongs and we threw the socks on the snow where they still continued to burn. one fell off the balcony as the guy was waving it around and landed on (ta-da!) more snow. it continued to burn/smolder for quite a while. this reminded me of rent, which made me even happier than i already was. in the meantime we put the other firey death sock onto a pair of snow-filled shoes that had been sitting on the balcony for a couple of months. shockingly the shoes, which they finally caught on fire, burned not on the outside, but from inside. like homeade candle holders or nonseasonal jackolanterns. it was pretty cool. but then the one guy stamped them out and the insane fun was over. meanwhile some girls came by because from outside (on the far side from where we were) it looked like the kictenette was on fire. whoops.

apparently this whole process smelled pretty bad. the RA came down a little later and was like WTF? oh well.

and also apparently the shoes belonged to taylor's roomate. oh well. he didn't care too much, obviously, since he left those shoes outside so long.

chocolate mousse party today. Maybe to prepare i'll watch "a room with a moose" (invader Zim ^^)

meanwhile i haven't done much work on my essay. and i got nine hours of sleep [because i woke up at one...]!!

no thanks to the crappy systems in the Tappan computer lab, Durian movie is finally finished AND turned in! it's awesome. i rock so much. once i figure out how to get the quicktime file i'll be able to send it to people and prove this point.

geeky glee, school

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