Fuck Yes

Mar 01, 2009 17:31

Goin' to NAU Goin' to NAU Goin' to NAU

Nothing's official b/c all the news I nave now is a phone call I got accepted with no word about money stuff, but soon I will get a letter or something and I will say to them 'hell yes even if it leads to debt.' It really means something when You are excited all weekend about news of just acceptance at one place when a week before you couldn't get further than relieved at news of a teaching assistantship somewhere else.

It means I know where I'll be next year and it's where I wanted to be all along despite my many applications to many places and I can start working on establishing myself. Which is good because I need to have everything set before I leave for Colorado in May, because it would be stupid to go home in mid-august only to go back out west a week later at most.

I hope the program is as good as I expect.

Skot's friend Strickland came over this weekend, which was interesting, and Laura was also in Oxford, which was cool as heck. It meant lots of hangouts and meals and good conversations and even some decent fucking sleep friday night (for me; everyone else was just starting out on fun times uptown). As usual, though the reasons change with each weekend, not much in the way of preparing for senior project happened. Not that it would have if I'd had a day-long field trip for geology like I was supposed to. I really am very far behind on it because I figure, and this may end up being to my detriment (who knows) that the 8-9 days of spring break, with no distractions and really no one to hang with and no job-work to do, is a good and solid and even better replacement for the 8-9 not-as-open-as-they-seemed weekend-days over the course of the semester that I should have been spending writing. It all amounts to the same amount of work (though I'm sure some are spending more than one day a week on their project); I'm just planning on doing it in a compressed fashion. Will I hate my life? Possibly. Will I get the fucking rough draft finished by the end of Spring Break? I'd better. I am graduating this semester, and that's that. Got too many plans not to. It's just not happening on the same timeline as almost everyone else. Will I get a lower grade for the course as a whole because of that? Probably. Do I care? Not really. (Okay maybe a little, but only the future can tell).

Edit: looked up tuition out of curiosity. About $8,000 a sem for an out-of-state graduate is flippin sweet - about four thousand less than Miami charges, anyway.

writing, friends, school

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