
Oct 06, 2008 11:24

This weekend was a big ol' waste of my time. My cousin's wedding - I'm not even going to bother explaining why it was not worth going to, and waiting all day to hand my sister a present and eat some pasta wasn't worthwhile either.

On the other hand, I dropped a class today for the first time ever. BIG STEPS. I still feel kind of weird about it, because it's not like I was failing Sociology of Gender at all; it was just stupid to be taking it after having taken a 300-level class in the same area. It was interesting, but only in an ego-boosting way. So I'm done! The teacher was a bit confused and disappointed. And now on Mondays I don't have class until 5:15 and I don't have to run to work on wed and fri. Time to....do all that other shit i really really need to be doing.


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