well i don't have anything better to do

Oct 02, 2008 23:33

looking at LJ for the first time in a bit, even whatever secrets, because i had to wait for my noodles to cool and don't have any usefully quick hw.

today, I....(in no order whatsoever)

1) failed to get to a lady's office during office hours, because i remembered the end time as the beginning

2) found out that Gaskill's printers are secretly in service of the Old Gods or Cthulhu or something and will spill horrid inhuman and yet not quite entirely machine languages at you while keeping the barest pieces of your document in English

3) didn't have ceramics at 8am!

4) worked hard on being half of an affinity group, a.k.a. trying really hard to figure out how to help Garret make his project about the Palestine-Israel conflict not immediately offensive and kind of wrong without telling him to just do what Bill Newell says, because I don't condone that ever. Dude's got some interesting ideas about his project, they just needed...clarification. Or something. Words.

5) Figured out my technical report project topic...I have three weeks for that, four weeks for lit review....it's going to be FUN this month

6) totally let some lipton noodles boil over while logging onto VPN client

7) Got my honors thesis proposal written - thank god i already have a bibliography

8) Got my schedule figured out for next semester. No class mon or fri; TONS of class tues, including the need for whatever hourglass thing Hermione used, because senior sem is only half an hour before Native American Women on that day. I hope that works out.

9) Sort of got ready for going home to that wedding (pulled out a dress and shoes from the closet) and got mom to think buying skot and me dinner at a japanese steakhouse is a good idea.

10) Failed to go to bed anytime close to when I need to, given I am taking someone's 6am shift tomorrow.

11) Had 'dinner' with Natasha for half an hour. Good to see her again; hopefully more prolonged hangouts sometime.

12) Renewed an overdue library book that's been bugging me because it had a hold on it and I need it for class. No hold anymore! Only about a dollar worth of fines acquired.

13) Didn't take so much as was subjected to a lukewarm/cold shower.

14) decided going to bed before midnight is a good idea FAIL

livejournal, existence, school

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