Woop, sunshine!!

Jul 22, 2012 17:16

If you read my latest posts, you'll know i applied for a job at Doc Martens in Birmingham. The closing date was last Sunday, and i havent heard anything yet, but i'm hoping this week might be when they start contacting people. I was beginning to feel really pessimistic about it, until i just went on facebook and saw that my Nooface (who lives in Birmingham) has a spare room in her house to rent..... Call me pathetic, but I am really hoping this is a sign. It really couldn't be better timing. Now I really really want to get an interview - gutted wont cover it if I don't. Living with Nicki would be awesome. Plus ESCAPE from Baileys Hell.

GarageBand is my new favourite toy on my iPad. I'm still working on my first piece, but it's quite good fun, though rather exhausting mentally, lol.

I am in desperate need of a haircut and have been for a good few weeks. I feel like a complete disgrace to womankind. It's all FLAT and boring and LONG :/ Tuesday was the earliest appointment I could get TWO WEEKS AGO and it cannot come soon enough.

I have entered four pictures into the BBC Countryfile photo competition... I don't expect to get anywhere, but hey ho, it made me feel good to have some pictures that were worth sending off.

The last few days have been spent acquiring books 4-7 of the Harry Potter audio tapes on eBay. I've always had upto PoA, and loved them to bits, so I thought it was about time I completed the collection.

Hope you are all good :)


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