There hasn't been a movie expedition in a while. Really, not much out there has spoken to me in a while.
The Seeker (originally titled and now subtitled "The Dark is Rising"
1) opens this weekend. I have detected a nonzero level of interest among my peers, so a-planning here I go.
I'm not so into a Friday night thing
2 and I have stuff penciled in for Saturday. Sunday, though? Sunday remains an option. Sunday movie expeditions are, of course, always matinees or early showings because I (as well as most of my peers) have work Monday morning and am old and boring and need my sleep.
So, if people are up for a Sunday movie expedition, now's the time to comment with general time and location preferences
3. And, you know, to point this entry out to potentially interested parties who do not read my lj.
1 So subtitled in the hopes of drawing in Susan Cooper fans who have not seen the trailer or read any commentary and still think the movie will in any way resemble the
2 I'm still sniffly and some folks may or may not have plans.
3 Note: Movie showtimes for weekends do not post until Thursdayish thus exact time/location logistics are not yet available blah blah bitty blah.