When one door closes...Part 3 (Final Chapter)

Jun 01, 2011 21:41

Summary/intro: Keito has been in love with Rei chan since middle school. Now that they were in high school, he felt like it was his chance to tell her his true feelings. He seemed to like her more and more each year. Valentine's day was just around the corner and he figured it would be the perfect time to tell her. Rei chan sat next to Yamada and Yuto on the opposite side of the classroom as Keito. They seemed to approve of her and that reassured him.
The next day at school, Keito couldn't concentrate at all. What had happened yesterday seemed to keep replaying in his mind. Those words he had longed to hear from her someday were finally said, but not to him. Every couple of minutes his gaze would wander to the opposite side of the class where she sat next to Yamada, the guy who had gotten to her first.

Lydia noticed Keito was feeling down so during break time, she tried talking to Keito to try and cheer him up. He answered her questions with one word sentences. She decided it was best to leave him alone for a while, but whenever she looked at his sad face, it made her heart ache.
After school Keito, Yuto, and Chinen headed to the coffee shop like they usually did. As they walked in they noticed Yamada and Rei sitting together at a table. Yuto rushed to their table and saw Yamada and Rei's hands clasped together on the table. They seemed to be having a great time and they were laughing a lot.
Yuto stood right in front of their table and looked down at the couples's hands. A huge grin lit up his face and the couple stared at him blankly.

"You guys....are you...how?" He pointed at both of them and scratched his head while Rei and Yamada burst out laughing at Yuto's reaction.

"We're here!" Chinen's little head popped out of nowhere. They both sat down and began to flood Rei and Yama chan with questions.

"You can do this." Keito thought to himself. He slowly proceeded to the table. Yuto and Chinen seemed very happy for them. He wondered if he could take seeing the girl he's loved since middle school with one of his friends. He sat down quietly.

"Come on Keito. Aren't you even curious about how this happened? How do you think Yamada confessed?" Chinen said.

Keito gulped and said "I don't know."

"Tell us!" Yuto yelled excitedly.

Rei chan spoke, "Well you know yesterday after school?"

No, Keito did not want to be reminded of something he had clearly seen. "I forgot I had to get home early today! I'll see you guys tomorrow." He quickly stood up and exited the shop. Lydia who had been sitting nearby with her friends quickly said goodbye to them. She followed after him.

"Keito, wait!"

He stopped but didn't turn back. Lydia ran up to him and stood right in front of him. She wrapped her arms around him. This unexpected hug surprised him, he didn't pull away, but he didn't hug her back either.

"Please don't be so sad Keito. It puts me in a bad mood."
He pulled away. "You don't know anything." He continued to walk.

"You really love her, don't you?"
He stopped again. How did she know this?
"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Of course you do. Don't think you can hide it from me. I've known you for a long time. I guess you could say I know you perfectly, like when you're feeling sad or lonely. I know that you've liked Rei chan all this time. It must not have been obvious to her or anyone else, but it was to me."

She really does know me Keito thought. He looked at her and Lydia had her head down. "What's wrong?"
She looked up and her eyes were watery, but she still managed a smile. For once, the girl who was always trying to cheer up Keito, looked like she needed to be cheered up.

"Are you going to be ok?" She asked.
"Yea it's ok. After all they are my friends, so I'm gonna have to get used to this. I guess if she's happy, then that's all that counts, right?"

She put her hand on his shoulder. "Life is unfair sometimes, but with good friends, you can get through it. Try your best!"
"So why did you have to get home so early yesterday, Keito? You just wanted to talk to Lydia didn't you?" Yuto smirked.
"OOOOoooooohhhhhh" Yamada teased.
"Don't listen to them! Lydia is a nice girl. If you like her, go for it!" Rei said.
"Yeah, yeah. Go for it Keito!" Chinen said in a girly voice.
"Shut up!" Keito said and he laughed.
Before they knew it, a new year of school had begun. On his first day going back to school, Keito sat down in his assigned seat he was given. It was the same as last years.

The bell rang and all the students were given their seats. The teacher began going on and on about the rules everyone already knew. Keito was bored and he began to look in his desk. He found a note that was folded neatly. It was typed and not handwritten. He read it to himself:
When one door closes, another opens. But we often look so regretfully upon the closed door that we don't see the one that has opened for us.

Keito wondered who had put this in his desk and began to look around the classroom. He saw his usual friends like Yuto, Yamada, Chinen, and Rei in their new seats scattered among the room. He met Lydia's eyes and they smiled at each other. He looked at her new seat and noticed that she was sitting in the opposite side of the classroom, in the same familiar spot that he had turned to and smiled at so many times before. 
The same spot Rei chan had sat in last year...

*Thank you for reading! Sorry if it didn't end the way you wanted it to. I just can't write happy stories/endings. Maybe deep down inside my brain is depressed lol XD*

fan fic, when one door closes

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