Promotion of "the American Dream" by a Finnish restaurant chain

Nov 28, 2007 20:39

I sent this letter to the marketing director of Fazer Amica, Finland. I usually have lunch in their restaurant located in the University of Tampere

Dear Minna Mustakangas,

I am writing to you to express my concern about the current marketing campaign in your restaurants, “Taste journey USA”.

In your promotional folder you are saying that "Americans like to eat good food". This is not true. Everyone knows that Americans eat junk food more than any other nation. That's why Americans are the fattest people on Earth.

"Everyone knows the idea of the American Dream". Yes, it's becoming a millionaire. But why are you advertising this primitive materialistic concept?

I can see lots of advertisements hanging in your restaurant. First, this is a waste of paper that comes from precious forests. Second, the adverts show maize, as a symbol of American cuisine. Now, do you know that a large percentage of maize grown in the USA is transgenic, i.e. dangerous not only for direct consumption by humans, but also through animal consumption, and that GM maize migrates to other fields and pollute normal crops?

So why advertise such unhealthy or at least controversial food as American? Aren't there healthier cuisines in the world, for example Mediterranean or Finnish?


Yuri Belov


Dear Yuri Belov,

Thank You most kindly for your valuable feedback about our marketing
campain. We understand your point of view and we are taking it seriously.
I am happy that I can tell you that our next campain is going to be very
Finnish and focusing in healthy issues.


Minna Mustakangas
Marketing manager
Fazer Amica

food, environment, usa

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