Oct 21, 2010 00:05
I feel like I haven't posted in ages. I don't keep track of these things, so I can't say for certain exactly how long it's been. Spending more time in Buffalo and less time in Rochester as I make the transition. I took Rita to an appointment on Tuesday, driving in for the afternoon, because I didn't have anything else going on. When I told the kids I had to go home Henry said "no, you sleep here!" I have been spending three to four nights a week at their house, which is beyond fun. I so enjoy getting to spend time with my loves.
I got myself into a bit of a state today. It doesn't happen often, but from time to time I get unnecessarily bitchy. Usually I can check it, but today it took hold for more than an hour. I have been having stomach issues like woah this week. Not like I'm having a celiac flare or like i've been glutened, but like my GERD is acting up or I have an ulcer. Everything burns my stomach and I feel like my entire digestive tract is eating itself alive. I'm also hungry because I am eating relatively little in order to avoid the discomfort. My mother, ever the saint, took me to Wegmans in an attempt to get me some food tonight, and I had a bit of a sulky "wtf I hate being gluten-free it's so stupid i'm done with this stupidfucking diet" meltdown. I got some veggie fried rice and some frosted flakes and some yogurt, and all of those things seem to be sitting okay. Some of my issues could be caused by the fact that the pharmacy switched manufacturers on one of my meds, so my body's gotta adjust to the new inert ingredients (which could be causing the ulcer/GERD, for all I know) and also to the varied dosage (generic drugs can differ pretty significantly from their brand-name, believe it or not.)
I have something exciting I want to plaster all over the place, but I gotta wait a little bit longer. It's totally *squee* worthy, though. In a knucklebiting kind of way.
Delly is snoring beside me. Time for some pugsnuggling.