Last Night

Jun 23, 2011 22:14

So last night was interesting. I had a bottle of Rose, to myself..pretty much. I would not say I was "drunk" per se but certainly buzzed. When I got on the train home I kept laughing at myself and people around me started to stare. At one point I even considered getting up and dancing through the carriage to whatever tune was playing  on my ipod. I was rudely awakened from this exuberant dream when the conductor tapped on the window signalling for me to get off because it was the final stop and I had to change.
Realising the potential of a 10 minute gap between trains I sped up the stairs and YESSS a coffee shop...still open for business at 11pm. I raced to the cash-machine which wouldn't give me anything less than £20 but who cares. Ran  back to the stand, where a small queue had formed. Alas other late night commuters had the same idea, some of them equally tipsy as I.
I was checking my watch, checking the queue, worried I might miss the last train home. But in my mind I thought I WANT A CAPPUCCINO NOW AND I WILL GET A CAPPUCCINO WITHOUT FAIL. The two men in front of me were taking forever, they were getting BLTs and wanted sugar in their coffee and one of them was too drunk to count out the correct change so he chucked a £20 at the barrista. Finally my turn "regular cappuccino please!!!". "Any chocolate on top?" "Yess" hand over £20 note. "You not got anything smaller?!?" W-T-F "sorry cash machine wouldn't give me anything less" I received a handful of coins in return. Cheers Mate.
Now it was the race against time, 2 minutes to spare to jog down to the platform but CAREFUL do not spill the coffee! Finally made it seconds before the train arrived...which once I'd boarded proceeded to wait another 5-10 minutes for late comers. Typical. Guzzled the caffeinated brew, speed-walked home and then couldn't fall asleep for 3 hours. 
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