(no subject)

Oct 20, 2004 22:17

i posted this elsewhere, but it's an amusing story, so i think you all will get a kick out of it.

i was 14, and me and four other friends go to a party, my first really big high school party. i went with my best friend kelly, and we were really good kids, but she told me that she was going to try weed, so i thought what the fuck. i smoked out of this ENORMOUS glass pipe with a scene of paradise on it. i took one hit, and i thought i was going to die. i drank about a half a liter of dr. pepper and thought my lungs were going to come up. we were all sitting there, it was cool, i was kind of high. then, i lean over and see that my friend cheri is passed the fuck out. that wouldnt bother me so much but her eyes were open and she wasnt responded. well, us being that IDIOT teenagers we are, we decide giving her a bath would wake her up, so we strip her down, and throw her in the tub, doing the hot/cold/hot/cold water contrast thing. still no response. 5 minutes later, the kid tells us his mom is coming home, and we have to leave. well, we couldnt go to my friend's apartment with a half-dead girl, so they drop us off a block from her apartment at this junior high, and it was about midnight. 2 of them go to see if her mom is asleep so we can sneak cheri in, and while they are gone.....a cop car shows up. well, they proceed to ask what's wrong with cheri, and OF course there's no way in hell she's waking up, so 5 more cop cars, an ambulance and a fire truck show up. all for five 14-year old girls. they take cheri away, the cops are yelling at us that she might die, and the girl who's apartment we were going to comes back down WITH HER MOM to be shocked by all this commotion. well, the cops take us to the apartment, we dont know if cheri is dead or not, and the cops try calling our parents, but by that time is was around 2am and they couldnt get a hold of them. i make up this sob story about how my mom hits me to the girl's mom and she agrees not to tell my parents. so i was scott free.....or so i thought. about a month later, my parents got a call from a cop that took it upon himself(because he had a troubled son) to call them and tell them what happened. and even after all of that, i still smoked pot again.
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