YAy for yaya, i finally got my paper lisence thing. When is the state going to learn. I am probably going to lose my car at least twice. That is life. What a boring day i am bound to have.
1st hour: Resource Room- I have had a study hall all year and today is not going to be different, and its not like i can really study.
2nd Hour: Public Speaking, frankly i dont really care what goes on in that class, I am doing fine in it and tomorrow we will be having a forum type discussion for the day.
3rd Hour: Forensic Science- we already had a final in there, when the senoirs left, we are just going to have a quick quiz, no big deal.
4th Hour: Yoga- great paper for Wednesday, on how we enjoyed the class, i give it a big 5.5 out of 10, we did too much yoga, not enough other stuff.
5th Hour: Novels- First final this semester on a list of words from like 8th grade, my opinion: easy peasy.
6th hour: Algebra II- damn do I need to study for this one, if there is one Final studing is nessasary for this is the one.
7th hour: Chemcom- I am, going to hate this day more than any other one, My two hardest finals on the same day.