Omfg. I feel like a tourist, London is AMAZING. It’s a horrible day; dull grey and rainy. But its wonderful, because its the day of my glorious, permenant return. Okay, maybe I am being a little highfalutin. And yet! I missed London so much. Shropshire is rubbish, dull, dull, dull. Full of vast emptiness. London, on the other hand, is a legendary city of, of well, STUFF. I am gonna be miffed if we go abroad like EVERYONE else.
Seriously! Everyone’s gone, I am like, getting so lonely! Everyone stopped over last weekend, well, if not everyone, then enough people to have a party. So we had an MJ Party, it was a seriously epic night and like, almost everyone (thankfully not me) did an MJ cover on the dance floor. I was shocked to realise that people I know could actually sing/dance or even do both rather well. I should learn...George came last (haha, loser) with his rendition of ‘They Don’t Care About Us’ and Alex won with ‘Smooth Criminal’ and ‘Billie Jean’ - go him! He was amazing, seriously! I don’t even begrudge contributing a tenner towards his prize. I even got to wear my sparkly dress and cool hat, yay!
The last thing ich did in Shropshire was go and watch Bruno. Bruno was...well, it didn't compare to Borat one bit! I didn't like it as much as I'd expected to. I saw an article which was like 'Bruno: The End of Baron Cohen' but I totally ignored it. Because I had completely faith in him in his sense of humour. However, I am a little disappointed. Bruno had moments of brilliance, moments of hilarity, and yes, seeing his cock do a dance was quite funny. The FIRST time, but seriously, constant nudity isn't that funny. I wonder what the reception will be like. I appreciate some people will find it funny, some people will find it hilarious. know, it didn’t do that much for me.
Anyways! Meme time! I am thinking of doing a photo meme like Ana did. If anyone gives my any good suggestions, I will do! Now that I am back in London, it shouldn’t be hard to suggest stuff. So, if anyone has any ideas, let me know...
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