
May 14, 2010 12:03

I was told when you have nothing better to write about, I was told to ramble. My thoughts are usually a jumbled mess. I don't feel like I can get my head on straight lately. Only because of the whirlwind beauty I have found myself caught in. I had so much to say last night, but when the husband decided that it was time to have fun with one another, all those thoughts melted through me and came out in the best way possible. It wasn't any frustrations or anything like that. It was happy thoughts and wonderous feelings. They all went away when the sleep came over. It washed over me and cradled me until this morning, where I was fighting it to get off me. It was such good sleep too. My bed felt delicious under me, regardless of any back pain. My pillows were pieces of clouds to which my heavy head lay weightlessly atop it. Everything felt super fluffy. My kitty lay next to me, breathing heavily while snoring, all the while purring and that wasn't helping. Those soft vibrations have lulled me to sleep too many times before. Just wanted to ramble I suppose for a little bit. :D
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