Thirteenth Steal || Video

Aug 02, 2010 17:37

[ You may have noticed that Kay has been uncharacteristically quiet for the past few days. But no worries, she's just been fighting her way through a forest, trusty card-wielding frilly-sleeved partner by her side! And now... here is Kay, triumphant and standing OUTSIDE of Ilex Forest and looking rather proud of herself. ]

We made it out! And we'll have to go through this again when we head to Goldenrod, but Violet comes first, so wait for us, guys! I'll have us back to beat that Gym Leader in a matter of--

[ as it turns out, Kay isn't the only happy one, because there's a flash of blue and purple, brown and black feathers, and something... green, followed by a yelp, a thud, and the 'gear going flying to land a short distance away. Poképile GET. ]

We'll-- be back-- Windy, you're too heavy, Byrne get o-- soon--!! I-- Jam, it's not even night, and stop licking me, Flapper, that tickles-- promise!

azalea, kay is a failget, working my way back to you, birds of a feather, one big lovefest

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