White Russia: «the Swan Award» cities «Between Gods» and a place of pilgrimage of Chassids of all pl

Jan 15, 2011 10:22

© Natalia Jaroslavova-Chistjakova

On December, 23-27rd 2010 г, St.-Petersburg

The full text with illustrationshttp://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=16&PubID=522

….  beginning  Ч 4. http://yaroslavova.livejournal.com/60732.html

As we see, members of "the Swan Award» and at those who left signs on this Award in architecture, constantly had a work on their positioning in relation to Revolutions, Reformatsijam and Reforms.

And it is represented to me that as humanists, Knights and Ladies «Swan Awards» well understood those human a victim which bear in itself any revolutionary changes that is why concerning revolutions - were rather careful. Such "opposition" of revolutionism and to sharp changes is marked, from my point of view, especially after the French revolution.

It is interesting that the Swan symbol, together with a symbol of the Bee, chose for itself and Napoleon's mother.

The jeweler firm Odiot based in blossoming of an epoch of the king of the sun of Louis XIV, with reigning then a luxury and excess cult, and reached skill in processing of precious metals: gold and silver, carried out in 1804 to Napoleon's crowning a sacred scepter, a necklace with regalia and a coronation sword. «Napoleon Lititsiej's mother also had been ordered the table services consisting of unimaginable quantity of subjects. And specially symbols have been developed for it the Bee and the Swan which decorated all subjects ordered by it».

The service «вермель» from the overgilded silver with similar «swan symbolics» and a loop «Napoleon Bonaparte's Stories» is stored by Gran now in Vienna, in a museum of empress Elizabeth (Сиси).« Under assumptions of historians, the service executed in 1808 by Parisian jeweler Marten Guillaume Benne and Milan master Eudzhenio Bruza, Napoleon's carrying in 1805-1814/15 years a title of the vice-king of Italy the stepson has ordered for the Milan residence Ezhen Bogarte. After Napoleon's overthrow in 1814 the neogenic Lombardo-Venetian kingdom has departed to Austria. Satisfying a condition of the agreement signed within the limits of the Viennese congress, Frants I has redeemed service «Gran вермель» at the former vice-king. The Austrian monarch ordered to replace engraved on subjects of service Napoleon's carrying at the peak of glory arms, among other, and a title of the king of Italy, with the own. And in 1816 he has sent service to Vienna on the occasion of the conclusion of its marriage with Carolina Avgustoj Bavarian ».

Swans as it is visible, have again appeared in Bavaria …

And here Bavarian «the Cup the Swan», executed by master Eliasom Lenkerom, in XVI, in Nuremberg, is stored in a museum of the Kremlin. And as Elias - one of Loengrina-swan names the name of this master, possibly, is it «a swan pseudonym».

I above result enough examples showing, no doubt, that fact that эмблематика «the Swan Award» and the Swan dominated at aristocracy of Bavaria, Prussia, Austria, partly - France.

Thus described swan symbolics is more brightly expressed in female royal lines.

Probably, here it is a question of that mysterious heredity on a female line, or even about «a female seed» which history has remained only in myths and legends. I do not exclude that it has remained and in papal library of Vatican, but Vatican about it is silent.

One similar Norwegian legend is presented in head «Descendants of the Swan», Andrew Collins's books «Mystery of constellation of the Swan».

It is a legend about the aristocrat who has seen the girl-swan who has become by the wife of the aristocrat after it on hunting has stolen its gold нашейную a chain. And all their seven sons were born with a similar gold chain on a neck allocating them with ability, like mother, voluntarily, to turn in swans.

«The sense of this and many legends similar to it, is obvious. She specifies that ability to turn in a swan is descended, most likely. In that case, it becomes clear, why across all Europe exists ancient поверье according to which шаманистическая ability of change of shape is usually transferred on a female line, and the swan is considered the strongest тотемом from all which these women possess. This assumption gives sense to the European legends about« knights - swans », such as Loengrin - the protagonist of an opera of Wagner».

It would seem, fantastic Loengrin - Elias … But it has inspired absolutely real king of Bavaria - Ludwig of II Bavarian to create for mankind absolutely real «the Swan Lock», than and has transformed «a fairy tale - in быль».

Word "El" as the first syllable from "Elias" - is meant by God. And a word «элб» - эльфа or the fairy.

The name of northern river of Elba where has found the end Hitlerite totalitarianism, directly occurs - from «the Swan White». Here also it turns out that the death of fascism on the river «the Swan White» in Germany, is a punishment, including, and for mass executions near the lock with the same name «the Swan White» in Ukraine …

Once women of new German bourgeoisie have entered Hitler into the higher aristocratic circles where it has received money, for the political projects … the Circle has turned back: the aristocracy has rejected the these women "trading" in an elitism …

The heavenly Virgin gave them good luck not that they передаривали to its leader of fascists.

And this rule has the general character

Let's remember the Ipatevsky monastery - the Ipatevsky house …

The source from which the power is given, and will take away it.

In 987 year, in Sanlis has fallen from a horse and last king from Carlovingians has broken, whether childless Ljudovig Y … it was necessary so meanly to arrive with Merovingami …

The term «элад», or «эаладх» if to continue conversation on Eale, designates a stone tomb or «the house died», similar to a dolmen that reminds of communication of a swan with death and with resettlement of souls. On the Scottish island Ajona the stone of Eala which is carrying out the form of an altar where read the burial service over the lost seamen has been established.

Well and kings swore on a stone column - the Eala-swan («Swan Launch …»).

It turns out that the power Kings accepted «from hands» Bozhiej of mother. It also took away it …

Precisely as well in Russia, patriarchs «pulled a lot» from киота Vladimir Bozhiej of mother.

Every time, receiving the power from «female hands», men, seemingly, very often forgot about it …

There is an opinion that creating «the Swan Award», Fridrih II Iron had intention to show just here on this, special type of female royal continuity and a heredity about which tell numerous legends about "girls-swans".

I think, in it an explanation of that «the Swan Award», almost unique representatives of the best floor could be which members.

The swan award has been initially democratic and constructed on horizontal communications. I.e. in it could be not only the higher nobility, but also rather small. In эмблематике awards the religious symbolics, and by no means - not владельческая prevailed. One of the public purposes - kind relations and communications with rather wide ranges of local knights.

The swan initially was understood as the Christianity symbol. However in 1484, margrave Albrecht Ahill has tried to use Community of the Swan for influence expansion in Franconia and … перетолковал a Swan understood earlier христологически, in a symbol франконского free-thinking.

New "interpreter" of the Swan - Kurfjust of Brandenburg Albrecht Ahill was brother Fridriha of II Brandenburg - the founder of "the Swan Award». Albrecht Ahill had considerably big ambitions on the power, than its brother. As a rule, such ambitions correspond - smaller culture. And if the founder of "the Swan Award» refused the power, in particular - from possession of the house Gogentsollernov the brother aspired to it. And it has received Brandenburg from brother Fridriha. Albrecht Ahilla's idea to take hold by Franksky duchy weren't carried out …

I will remind that the same years, on coincidence, building of the Roslinsky chapel in Scotland has begun. Thus "masons" for building invited from continental Europe. Probably it was a question of the masons who have kept some ceremonies, received from храмовников which power has been undermined after Jacque's execution де the Pier in 1314 (Such data result K.Knight and R.Lomas in the book "Car Uriila" in head «the New view on франкмасонство»).

Whence such coincidence on dates?

Look for a year - 1440! In it it is obviously looked through 144 that reminds us about 144 000 persons escaped or the elite in days of the Apocalypse.

It is necessary to tell that for the past of 570 years from the date of the basis «Swan Awards», were also other attempts to "reforge" the Award under the purposes … that is connected with its primary mysteriousness эмблематики which hasn't been deciphered «on a paper» neither in constituent documents of the Award, nor in its statute.

Interpretation эмблематики existed, but they were insufficient for understanding of an award.

For example, a towel surrounding a figure of the Swan, the constituent reading and writing of 1440 interpreted as a symbol of the Cleanliness expecting the righteous person (washed the sins) behind a coffin. But the towel iconography as researchers consider, was similar to an iconography of the fastened scarf or a towel serving by the motto of the king of Germany and Czechia of Vyacheslav Ljuksemburgsky … And a dominant role, such royal towel (a scarf, a bandage) there was not a designation of abstract qualities which the same concerns - Cleanliness, and instructions on the person of the owner of a sign …

It is considered that thereby, Fridrih II has declared the share in the Luxembourg inheritance, from last of Luxembourg - Sigizmunda - the emperor of Sacred empire!

In the territorial relation of Fridrih II already owned the Brandenburg mark. After all the Brandenburg mark belonged to the Luxembourg house before its transfer of Gogentsollernam. But it was a question also of continuity. «Using the Luxembourg motto in a sign on the Community, Fridrih declared legitimacy of the преемства ….Он didn't wish to underline once again центричность and vertical subordination of structure of Community on which horizontal distribution counted» much.

In the policy it intentionally avoided imperial tendencies, has refused the crowns of Poland offered it and Bohemia. It Brandenburg and its strengthening interested exclusively! But the power and in it after that, it has transferred to the brother.

The founder of "the Swan Award» is known for the Swan fidelity. In a youth he has hard endured death of the bride - princesses of Poland Jadvigi Jagellonovny. And all his life has passed under the badge of this grief.
Continuation with illustrations http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=16&PubID=522

franconia, Vladimir Bozhija матерь, the arms, albrecht, sigizmund, ipatevsky, sanlis, award of the swan, bee, jagellon, napoleon odiot, austria, bogarte, vienna, loengrin, elba, luxembourg, ealla, roslin, carolina of august bavarian, the emblem

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