«The message of President D.Medvedeva: between Dalaj the Llama and Tyumen"deja vu"

Dec 02, 2010 20:49

© N.B.Chistjakova-Jaroslavova,

On December, 2nd, 2010, St.-Petersburg

The full text with illustrations http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=15&PubID=511

Reading the Message of President D.Medvedeva I has thought that many questions already after all were answered with the Dalai Lama in its book «Conversations about life, money and the politician». On the one hand, it is good that the President has chosen those themes which were chosen also by Its Svjatejshestvo. On the other hand, they not in all have coincided: for example, on questions on a demography, on arms and stimulus for scientific activity. And it was presented to me interesting to take separate theses of the Message of the President, and simultaneously to result thoughts of Its Svjatejshestva on the same questions: on arms, on ecology, on social movements …

Далай the Llama says that «Two opposite thoughts or emotions can't arise in our brain». But here in texts, often there are difficultly compatible sights … Besides, Its Svjatejshestvo remembers performance of the head of one of the countries which has accompanied the speech by words: «I not the spiritual person, I am a politician», on what, Dalaj acting after him the Llama has answered: «Spirituality is much more important for the politician, than for this purpose who lives in solitude in mountains in search of spiritual awakening».

Many commentators have carried a social theme prevailing in the Message, - to weakness of the President. But in the politician the choice of a social priority concerns Force of the Politician, instead of to Weakness. The politician who knows that the people aren't, де факто, a power source, but despite it, addresses the most part of the Message it to the people, - is able to risk.

On the other hand, of course, in the Message «the Tyumen deja vu» (2003) which is actual for the Moscow public summons is looked through, but for us, the reference to these last "postulates" is «retrograde movement».

However in all there is a law. And I already wrote once that if the information which, for the first time, informed to the public «humane methods» hasn't been apprehended, in the second time it already comes «under a loud cannonade» as it now occurs in Moscow.

… From here there was naturally a question on, whether the new mayor of Moscow will advance the … «social ideas» in the Message of President Dmitry Medvedev or the President will choose for the the message other social ideas and themes, advanced in planetary scale.

The answer to this question - in thoughts quoted more low from the Message of President Dmitry Medvedev and thoughts from the book - conversations of Nobel prize winner Dalaj of the Llama.

Also it is presented on sections: About a science, About medicine and health, About arms, About the formation maintenance, About ecology, About Creativity, About a demography, About mass-media, About the noncommercial organizations and social movements, About arms, About democracy and political system, About the World policy


Dmitry Medvedev: «the Big role in increase in demand at the newest technologies can play and army modernization. It can be pleasant or not be pleasant, but to the different periods of history the science and technologies forward was moved by requirements of safety, the investment of the state into new technical decisions in the field of defense».

Далай the Llama: «Our scientists are extremely clever. What for to spend their talents for such monstrous affairs when they can be used on development of all mankind.

We in Tibet have a rule: before acceptance of the new invention the person offering him, should guarantee that it will be useful or it is at least harmless - to seven generations of people.

Besides, it is necessary to remember adherence to human values in sphere it is modern sciences. Though a science main objective is reality studying, other problem - improvement of quality of life. Without altruistic motivation scientists can't spend distinction between really useful technologies and what simply haven't the right to existence …»


Dmitry Medvedev: «Education of the future generations by the closest if not to tell solving, by image is connected with education system modernization. …»

Далай the Llama: «That it is necessary to make to people to open their true human nature? Council? If I is the dictator I … would (laugh). If I possessed all terrestrial power would develop the long-term plan. The formation corresponding to a human nature, such system which would allow to develop in the best way the basic human qualities …» would become the main things there.


Dmitry Medvedev: «… I had to hear time and again that the ecological thinking at us doesn't get accustomed, because the society isn't ready to it. Probably, partly it is valid so. Therefore (and I already too spoke about it) the role of ecological education and formation is extremely important. Also it is necessary to consider it in new educational standards».

Далай the Llama: «Plants have great value in our life, and I think that our genes memory of it is still stored.

If I thought that for happiness the most important thing - money, I would cut down all trees in my garden and could earn some thousand rupees. But having made it, I finally would cause sufferings to myself ….На the business reception of profit on these material assets absolutely would cover my overall objective: aspiration fortunately.


Dmitry Medvedev: «It is necessary to finish creation of national system of search and support of talented children. Possibility to develop the abilities already from early age... I Charge to the Government to consider this recommendation at introduction of new educational standards and to develop the specification подушевого financings on pedagogical support of exceptional children.

Далай the Llama: «In essence, freedom - both for the person and for a society is the basic source of creativity. There is not enough, as communists thought, Simply to give to people meal, habitation and clothes. If to us it will give, but there will be no invaluable air of freedom which feeds our being, we will be only half the people similar to animals who are happy already only with that their physical requirements … are satisfied


Dmitry Medvedev: «Today already to the first class of school of complexity with health come to light almost at third of children …. It is necessary to give special attention to vaccinal prevention, … Meanwhile in Russia of citizens of 80 percent aren't engaged in physical culture and sports - the four fifth population

Далай the Llama: «For modern generation the decision is in hands of mass media. If level of comprehension and the truthful information raises becomes more accessible, we can comprehend the internal potential, without relying on medicines. The person - such surprising creation. And our mind is an amazing phenomenon».


Dmitry Medvedev: «Authorities shouldn't be owners« factories, newspapers, steamships ». Everyone should be engaged in the business».

Далай the Llama: «the Authorities always went on improbable shifts to subordinate to the control all streams of the information in the state and to generate an education system so that citizens worked for the public good.

The communism has suffered rigid defeat as for the statement of the principles relied on FORCE. Finally, the human nature couldn't sustain those sufferings which it generated ».


Dmitry Medvedev: «Modernizing system of the state services, it is necessary to pay special attention on social services to the population. I consider that we should connect more actively to their rendering the noncommercial organizations …»

Далай the Llama: «I should notice that I do not see sense in creation of" movements »and advancement of ideologies. I also don't like practice of creation of the organizations for not which advancement of idea … Under present circumstances anybody from us doesn't presume to consider to itself that someone another will solve our problems …»


Dmitry Medvedev: «We have headed for deep modernization of Armed forces, on carrying out in them of system, significant transformations …»

Далай the Llama: «the Governments spend huge means for more and more difficult kinds of arms when in essence, nobody wants them to use. Are for nothing spent not only money, but also valuable energy, and human abilities. Thus the only thing that becomes more, is a fear.

I don't believe that the quantity of human hatred has increased, - possibilities of its demonstration by means of improbably destructive kinds of arms have grown only.

War, is similar to a fire in which the human society burns. As a combustible material live beings serve in it ».


Dmitry Medvedev: «We were defined, how we will work and over creation of uniform space of the world and safety in Evroatlantike»

Далай the Llama: «it is unconditional, the main field where it is necessary to sow altruism seeds, are international relations. I always laid hopes on the United Nations and now I don't have intention to criticize this organization, I simply would like to notice that the climate of post-war years when its charter has been conceived, has already changed.

I am assured that many fair and sincere people worldwide already adhere to the sights stated by me. But as I have received a world Nobel Prize, I consider what to express from their name, my duty.Что concerns me I sincerely trust, as separate people can affect an event in a society. As the periods of the big changes similar to our epoch, in a human history happen infrequently, on each of us depends, that time taken away to us was is used in the best way and our world became happier»

The full text with illustrations http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=15&PubID=511

creativity, medicines, jaroslavova, arms, moscow, tyumen army, the mayor, medicine, dalaj the llama, scientists, ecology a science, mass-media, medvedev, sobjanin, democracy, freedom, the message, formation, optimization, happiness

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