The Elections of the Presidents and "Swans ". The rights of the citizens, as the cherished desire an

Jan 04, 2012 17:32

Copyright Natalia Yaroslaviva

The first part of

Shortly after article "AND thrown into the crisis of the Country the Jew... And the world he could Not say: "do Not need"...!  , in particular on how the Tyumen region "wrote images of the future" , in the internet space has appeared a certain group, working , again , in the format "alaverdy" project my site - "White Russia - the Way Swan" .

Roughly , but recognizable paraphrase they my poem "the Way of a Swan" , forgetting the make reference to the authorship . And since the authorship is the same rights , of which we now offer a Dream, then I would draw attention to it.

The breach was cured after pointing out this fact. . However, this should be done on the machine, and not as a " happy accident"

And not as the fulfillment of "the dream" that my rights were exercised

This the work is called:

"The idea of white - White project - will help the world", April 8, 2010


"We need to draw a picture of the future...and this image should you build" - the Governor of the Tyumen region Vladimir Yakushev, the Epistle of 2008

"One World - One Dream!", "One world, one dream!" - The Slogan of China to the world for the Olympic games-2008

"Win is not clans (national and international elites), they lose, win system of values, a new ideology and a new way of life" - Natalia Chistyakova-yaroslavov, who publicist, the political scientist, analyst, an expert on modeling of the future

Great things going on under the influence of the majestic ideas. For their conception and implementation often enough will of one single man.

Dmitry HULETSKI, Belarus"

Let me draw your attention ! This text appeared two years ago, but not now, when before the New year 2012, the same words put in his mouth" of the President of Russia and the candidate in Presidents of Russia" .

It would seem that I "praise".

But we must not delude ourselves. I "identified" with Vladimir Yakushev, .

I.e. the citation is built in such a way that it seemed like in Tyumen only two of the "lookahead great democrat: " I and the governor of

However, once again. It is in WITH. Sobyanina  and В. Yakushev   to me were applied methods of "unfair political competition" , in  including, in connection with my appeal to Medvedev on the fact of the cancellation of the election of the mayor in the city of Tyumen, and the destination of the tyumen mayor in march 2005, when the norms of the law still does not allow this is to do.

The history of this letter to Medvedev described here : "the Women of the tyumen policy H. 2"

On March 27, 2006

Very good , that at the present time, it is dmitry Medvedev and В.Якушев return the country election of mayors, i.e. return exactly against the abolition of what I was protesting for what was on the territory of the Tyumen region blackmail and pressure.

Thus : when I mentioned in the same text with Yakushev, trying to present matters so as if we adhere to some views, then I remember , for example, is described in article

" About the "Free press" and that showed the struggle for the rights of the Veteran of the great patriotic war П.И.Головинова" , about Vysotsky and Stalin combined in the same way.

It has turned out so, that the "White project" mechanically and artificially compiled my ideas, so, against which I categorically protest...

This technique is used with the aim to create trust.

These men are not naive.

Proof of which is the fact that they " captured the rhetoric of Mikhail Prokhorov".


I spins up a lot of brands.

One of the most important is"the Way of a Swan", and since my site is called "Russia and the Swans"

Now , after the how this brand was advertised, I was told , as if by an amazing coincidence, precisely because "the Way of a Swan" was the name of a kind of wisdom каликов-перехожих.

Maybe.. at First I believed

Topic  kalikov   interesting. An article about them was this :

"Golden pollen Каликов-Перехожих: "The Way Swan - Dugga - the Power of the Living Equilibrium" April 19- may 13

In it, I once again returned to the subject of Dreams , in the context , as it is being imposed on us , literally wrote the following:

"....Here I   opponiruy those, who think that you can unite the world slogans "I want to change the world" or "One world, One dream".

What worries me even the hypothetical possibility that the "collective ignorance" can take for a total reorganization of the world.

And soothes the fact that the people, who could not figuratively think, not able to create new images, did not develop in ourselves the ability to clearly see the image and keep it in mind, can be very long, useless and unproductive scan implemented them slogans..."

Now I'm starting to doubt that these techniques really are called "the Path of the Swans"

In any case , it different from the "Smart doing" and the transfer of knowledge "on the phone" can, probably, lead to the techniques of Gurdjieff, which I lebed not believe....

And the theme of М.Прохорова in the context of the Swan relevant , because it brought him here in this format:

"The Lady Of Swans Elizabeth II and the swans Mikhail Prokhorov"
Although the "medal" and there is the second side of the "Fourth"Putin: Взлетающий Swan, the Prophet, the Archangel, the Magician, Kronos and "Patron Рожаниц"
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