Really unbelievably tasty.
2 scallions, sliced and divided, white and green
2 stalks celery, sliced and divided into a big pile and a little pile (about 2:1)
1 serving (about 5 oz) of sirloin steak tip, cut into bite-sized pieces and salted generously (this whole recipe depends on tasty, tender, quick-cooking steak)
Over high heat, start the white bits of the scallions and the big pile of celery with some olive oil. You want the scallions caramelized around the edges and the celery browned.
Add the little pile of celery and the green bits of the scallions and cook until they're wilted and smell awesome.
Move the veggies to the far side of the pan, and oil the pan again (lightly). Toss the steak in, making sure not to splash yourself and to get everything in a single layer.
Count 15 seconds.
Flip the steak bits.
Count another 15 elephants.
Toss the whole pan to combine and plate.
Season generously with black pepper and serve. If you salted the meat properly, you won't need to season it further.
The scallions will be sweet, the celery will be sweet and a little crunchy. The meat will be mouth-wateringly good. If you don't lick the plate clean, I must assume you have a terrible cold.
Huh. Rubicon finally picked up the pace. Once this season's done, I think I'll (eventually) rewatch at speed.
The pants of the minor apocalypse need to have the lining gathered, pinned and basted to the pants and the waistband pinned and attached tonight.
Oh otherMiles, I know you just want to dump this problem in someone else's lap, but I don't think that's a good idea except it maybe was? Huh.
I don't know, I just feel that this isn't going to end well.