Part 3 of Rock on, House

Nov 01, 2009 19:38

disclaimers:don't own House m.d. T_T *Hugs Dylan and places a sign on him that says owned by yaoilover82*

Dylan:you can't own me, I'm my own person. *while taking off sign and throwing it on the floor*

yaoilover82: sweety, you're a fictional character and not only that but MY fictional character.

*Dylan runs off crying into Wills arms* Derek walks up to yaoilover82: you told him he was not real?

yaoilover82: um *gulp* yeah.... Derek nods and then walks away.

yaoilover82: god he's such a drama queen...anyways here's chapter 3, Enjoy.

Chapter 3

On a local broadcast…

A weather man was finishing reporting the future weather report for the week, “So tomorrow expect it to be slightly more chilly than it was today with a slight chance of rain. And here’s Paul with your local entertainment corner…” “Thanks Tom…and on today’s entertainment scene, local singer of the group Trinity, Dylan Jameson, was allegedly attacked after being discharged from the hospital earlier this evening by a man whose name has been withheld for legal purposes. The singer who is known to be open about his sexuality, was reportedly seeking treatment for arsenic poisoning after he collapsed on stage during their last concert on tour and after being discharged was seen locking lips with a resident doctor. Several fans who were at the scene and caught a glimpse of the incident were commented as saying, ‘Dylan and this doctor were just kissing when this guy just came out of nowhere and hit Dylan over the head with this stick.’ and others commented as saying, ‘The singer provoked the attack by kissing the alleged attacker’s lover.’ No word yet if charges of assault will be brought up against Mr. Jameson‘s attacker at this time. Trinity’s fame is attributed to their popular hit singles ‘Forever’ and ‘Never’s gonna come around’. I’m Paul Wise and this was entertainment chatter and now to James Reeves with his corner highlights on sports…”

Chase turned off his television with a sigh and leaned forward on his couch with his head in his hands. He just couldn’t believe what had happened that evening. All he had been thinking and worrying about before the whole kiss incident was House and telling him how he felt for the man and having high hopes that he felt some inkling of the same for him. Now…he just couldn’t think straight at the moment and he blamed himself for not trying hard enough to discourage Dylan and his feelings. As he brought his legs up and hugged them while pressing his forehead to his knees, a few silent tears flowed down his face, he thought back to the incident still fresh within his memories….


As Dylan was kissing Chase the next thing he knew after hearing House curse out Dylan, was being pulled roughly from the kiss and being knocked towards the reception desk. As he hit the desk he had the wind knocked out of him for a moment and tumbled to the floor in pain at his stomach hitting the edge of the desk hard as well. As he caught his breath, he looked towards where he assumed House and Dylan were and saw that House had his cane raised, was panting and glaring at Derek who was holding his cane back and far from House. That’s when he caught sight of Dylan on the floor as well being helped to sit up by a concerned Will. “What the hell is wrong with you?!” shouted Will with a glare aimed towards House. “You keep him away from me.” growled House as he tried to pull his cane back out of Derek’s strong grip. ’You didn’t have to push him!’ ‘I suggest you let go before I shove this up your…’

‘What is going on here?!’ asked Cuddy in a loud apprehensive voice. She had been in the clinic when she heard the shouting and so went to investigate. Her attention on House, she saw he was being held back by a man than was larger than him and couldn’t help but groan inside with frustration. She hoped that House had not tried something to damage the hospital’s reputation again but when she caught sight of Chase on the floor holding his stomach in pain and a rather handsome man being helped to sit up by a younger looking man she became slightly confused and turned back towards House. ‘House! What’s going on here?’ she asked. ‘I’ll tell you what’s going on, this gorilla of a man won’t let go of my cane!’ said House as he attempted to pull his cane back again. Derek glared at House and finally let go but prevented House from taking a step forward by placing his palm against House’s chest. ‘He pushed Dylan!’ exclaimed the young looking man on the floor. ‘Is that true?’ asked Cuddy, her eyes widening and thinking of having to cover House’s ass over assault charges. ‘No!’ ‘Yes!’ were simultaneously shouted. Cuddy walked over and stepped in-between House and the other man and said, ‘Stop shouting. Believe it or not, there are sick people here and I suggest we take this matter into my office. I don’t think anyone wants this to get further out of hand.’

As Derek gave a final glare to House, he turned towards Will to help Dylan from the floor. Cuddy in turn, turned towards House and pointed a finger in his face and said, ‘You better have a good explanation for this.’ House rolled his eyes and said, ‘Geez, Teach, I didn’t do anything, he did!’ ‘Well too bad because it’s time you all went to the Principal’s office and explained what happened before things escalate even more. So I expect you and Dr. Chase there as well.’ said Cuddy with a sarcastic tone and walked along with the three men to her office, giving apologies along the way.

House hearing a groan of pain behind him, turned around to see Chase stand up with a slight wince of pain. ‘Are you alright?’ asked House. ‘Yes, just got the wind knocked out of me a bit’ said Chase as he gently rubbed his arm along his still aching stomach. ‘Good, because I want you to tell that Romeo of yours to stay the hell away from me and after we finish having our little chat with Principal Cuddy, I suggest you stay the hell away from me as well.’ said House as he started to make his way towards Cuddy‘s office. ‘What?…’ asked Chase in slight shock. ‘What, what?…did you lose your hearing after being mauled by the evil boy bander? I said, stay away from me after this is over.’ stated House harshly as he started to limp away again.

Chase at that moment could only feel numb from the words spoken from House. His mind going blank as well, he returned back to reality to find himself standing in the middle of Cuddy’s office with House on one side of the room glowering at the trio of men and the trio of men sitting together on Cuddy’s couch with Will fussing over Dylan and Derek explaining what happened from his point of view. Not paying attention at what Derek, Cuddy and House were saying, he jumped when Cuddy asked him, ‘Is this true, Dr. Chase?’ ‘Huh?’ asked Chase in confusion because he missed what Dylan had said at that moment to interrupt the three discussing the situation. ‘I asked, Did Dr. House physically push or hit Mr. Jameson?’ Chase looking down for a moment said in a meek voice, ‘I don’t know.’ ‘For crying out loud, who are you going to believe….me or the guy that nearly chewed Chase’s face off!’ said House sarcastically. ‘I only kissed him.’ said Dylan looking over at Chase. ‘Well it didn’t look that way to me, trying to suck someone’s brains out from their pie hole does not qualify as kissing to me.’ said House. ’House! Shut up!’ said Cuddy trying to reprimand him to be quiet. House made a face at being told to be quiet and so showed his displeasure by glowering at Cuddy.

‘Now, Mr. Jameson, I’m terribly sorry about any injuries that Dr. House may have further caused you…’ said Cuddy but was interrupted by Dylan. ‘There’s no need to apologize Dr. Cuddy. It was all a misunderstanding and I won’t be bringing charges up against the hospital.’ said Dylan as he continued to look over at Chase while talking to Cuddy. Cuddy gave a huge sigh of relief, ‘As for Dr. House, I’m not so sure he’ll be as lucky.’ said Dylan. This statement caused Cuddy to tense up, House to glare at the man even more and Chase to snap his head up and look over at Dylan in disbelief. ‘Wait, can‘t we discuss…’ said Cuddy but was again interrupted by Dylan. ‘I’ll be willing to rethink about dropping the charges against Dr. House, if, Dr. Chase becomes my primary physician for my outpatient check ups.’ said Dylan with a smirk on his face as he looked at Chase.

Chase could only stare back at Dylan with a look of astonishment on his face at hearing the request and then thought back to what House had told him in the lobby. ‘I don’t think…’ said House before he was interrupted by Chase who said in a soft low voice, ‘fine…’ ‘What?’ said Dylan not believing that Dr. Chase was going to agree when he was only joking. ‘What!?’ said House in obvious bewilderment. ‘I’ll agree to those terms if you agree to not bring charges up on Dr. House or this hospital.’ said Chase with a much stronger voice and giving Dylan a stare of resilience. At hearing Chase agree to what he had requested Dylan glanced over to see Dr. House’s reaction and what he saw made him want to say his request was a joke because to Dylan, Dr. House’s expression reminded him momentarily of a little kid pouting over finding out he lost something that was really special. ‘So, he’s the one. I think this is your cue to protest and tell him that you don‘t want him to see me.’ thought Dylan, waiting to see if House would protest. As silence ensued and Dr. House’s reaction changed to one of indifference, Dylan made up his mind on what to do next. Aloud he said as he stood up from the couch, ‘Well…it’s settled then.’ ‘Then…I’ll get the necessary paperwork filled out for you and I‘ll call you to let you know what time your appointment is going to be.’ said Chase as he made his way to the door. Feeling his heart break even more from not hearing anything from House. So he continued on towards the door letting his mind wander…

So now here he was in his apartment and regretting what he’d decided to do but then again he knew that he couldn’t just let Dylan press charges against House. Of course he knew that Dylan wasn‘t being serious by the smirk on his face when the man had made the stupid request but he was also feeling hurt by what House had told him in the lobby and so out of spite he took the offer in hopes that House would protest or show some sign that he didn‘t mean what he said about him keeping his distance from the man. Except, that had failed and now he was stuck being Dylan‘s primary physician again and House was going to avoid him. ‘Maybe, I really was mistaken about him knowing how I felt and…’ thought Chase. “I’m such an idiot…” sobbed Chase as he leaned back towards the couch. As he leaned further back into the cushions he wished at that moment that the soft material of the couch was that of the same warmth he had felt earlier that day from House. “Oh god….” sobbed out Chase as he covered his face and fell over sideways on the couch to let out a heart wrenching sob. After Chase’s crying seemed to come to a stop he whispered to the empty apartment before sleep claimed him, “house…”


After Chase had left Cuddy’s office…

“Now that everything has been settled, I would like to again offer my apologies Mr. Jameson. I assure you, something like this won’t happen again when you come for your check-ups.” said Cuddy as she walked over to shake hands with the three men. “House! Don’t you have something to say to Mr. Jameson?” asked Cuddy before House could make his escape from her office while she was distracted. “hmm…nope.” said House as he turned the doorknob to start walking out. “House!” said Cuddy with disapproval in her voice because of his reply. House let go of the doorknob, rolled his eyes while exhaling an exaggerated sigh and walked towards Dylan. As House stood in front of Dylan, he scratched the side of his face and said, “You know, I heard some of your music and it’s not all that.” “You jerk!” shouted Will as he tried to move closer to House. “Is that all you have to say?” Dylan asked while he placed an arm out to hold back Will. “Hmm…maybe the janitor had mopped the floors earlier, I slipped and that’s how I casually ended up bumping into you…so yeah that explains that.” said House nonchalantly. “Ok” said Dylan as he chuckled. House not expecting Dylan to just laugh off his snide remark, glared one last time at Dylan and started to make his way to the door. Cuddy watching the two men end their conversation was going to interject with another apology for House’s remark when she was stopped with Dylan’s next comment aimed towards House.

“You’re really something else. If I were you, I would do my best to try to keep him but you don‘t seem to care that I might steal him from you, do you?” asked Dylan while House was preparing to leave. House paused for a moment and glanced over at Dylan for a short moment before he made his way out again. “Dylan, man.” said Will worried with the events that happened and not liking the look that transpired between House and Dylan before House left. “Will.” said Derek in a soft voice and shook his head as if telling him not to say anything.

“Dr. Cuddy, I’m glad that we were able to resolve this issue and even though my discharge was so overly dramatic, my overnight stay was as pleasant as it could be and your staff went to many lengths to make me feel comfortable during my treatment. Also I feel that if Dr. Chase hadn’t been in the emergency room when he had been or if I had gone to another hospital I’d be sent home with a prescription for the stomach flu or something and probably would be dead by now. So I feel fortunate to have been given this chance and I would like to make a small donation to this hospital to be distributed as you please.” Cuddy snapping out of her daze from the words exchanged between Dylan and House offered a overly cheery smile and said, “Thank you, Mr. Jameson.” “Don’t thank me, I should be thanking you and your staff. Which reminds me does Dr. Chase have an office?” asked Dylan. “Um…no” said Cuddy with a raised eyebrow and a hint of confusion in her voice. “Dylan,” said Derek, “stop pestering Dr. Cuddy.”

Ignoring Derek, Dylan went right on to ask, “why?” “Well, Dr. Chase is one of our many surgeons on staff here at out hospital and only department heads are given an office.” said Cuddy while wondering where this conversation was going. “That’s a shame.” said Dylan as if he was saying it more to himself rather than to Cuddy. “Well, I guess I’ll just have to make due.” said Dylan as he offered a smile to Cuddy and a handshake. Cuddy at that moment could only offer a nervous smile and hope that this man would not add to the problems that all seemed to revolve around House.


So after the trio of men left Cuddy’s office and headed towards the front entrance to brave the fans and reporters that were in a slight frenzy with what happened earlier. Dylan took the lead and started signing autographs and answering a few questions that some of the reporters were asking, which seemed to calm down the panicky fans and soon Derek and Will followed his example by doing the same thing. After walking through the throng of people they headed towards a waiting limo.

Once inside and the three men had settled into their seats Will turned to Dylan and said, “You know, I can’t believe you pulled that stunt on Dr. Chase.” Dylan ignored his friend’s comment and continued to look out the window to watch the scenery pass by. “Don’t worry Will, he did much worse when it came to Linda.” said Derek as he reached for a drink at the mini-bar. “Don’t worry?! How can I not worry? Derek, he practically jumped the guy in front of everyone and then with Dr. House, I can‘t believe you provoked him. ” stated Will. “No, I didn’t.” said Dylan as he turned towards Will. “Wha…?” asked Will slightly confused. “I didn’t mean to provoke him because I didn’t know that the person that Dr. Chase mentioned that he had feelings for was Dr. House. No wonder when he was talking to him, he had this glow about him at the time and I just couldn‘t help fall in love with him even more. That’s why…I kissed him and I think….” said Dylan but was interrupted. “OK! We get it! You love Dr. Chase a lot but that still doesn’t excuse the way you manipulated him into becoming your doctor again and saying that you were gonna press charges against Dr. House, even I knew you were bluffing.” interrupted Will as he crossed his arms over his chest and continued on to say, “ And what was up with what you told Dr. House, I mean I’m not defending the guy because he pushed you and insulted our music, but still…you telling him that you were gonna steal Dr. Chase from him seemed just childish, Dr. Chase isn’t some toy or possession that you can mess with, Dylan.”

“I’m perfectly aware of that, Will.” said Dylan. “I really don’t think of him as a toy or a possession. I just…I just can’t believe he took my joke serious.” “And who wouldn’t, you practically told him he had no choice in the matter.” said Derek. “Yeah, I know but…Will, you were there when he was so adamant about going to dinner with me. The man wouldn’t budge and I find it really hard to believe that he just agreed so easily to being my doctor again. So something must have happened for him to just give in so easily like that.” said Dylan as he rubbed his chin in thought. “I did notice that he looked a bit lost when he came into the office after Dr. House.” said Derek. “Yeah, now that you mention it. I thought he looked like he was in a daze. Do you think Dr. House told him or did something to him before they came in to Dr. Cuddy‘s office?” asked Will, now worried about Dr. Chase. “Not sure, don’t worry Will, I’m gonna find out soon enough when I have my appointment tomorrow.” said Dylan as he looked to Derek and Will.

‘My angel, if Dr. House did do something to hurt you, I don’t know what I would do, but I do know this…I’ll make sure that you know you’re indeed loved, by me.’ thought Dylan as he went back to watching the scenery pass by.


That same night, in an apartment a piano could be heard playing but would stop and start up again….

House was playing his piano or rather trying to but for some reason every time he played his mind would go back to that incident with his Chase being kissed by that ass who acted like he was god’s gift to the human race. ‘There it was again, that thought of Chase being his.’ thought House in frustration and stood up from the piano bench and limped to his kitchen. As he was extracting a beer, a knock sounded on the door and momentarily distracting him from his thoughts on Chase.

“You better be the Chinese food I ordered or a hooker, if not go away! If you‘re Wilson, then use your key!” shouted out House as he made his way to the couch. The lock turning in the door, House said, “So I can assume you heard what happened.” As Wilson stepped into the apartment he looked at House take a sip of his beer and said, “Cuddy told me what happened, yes. I can’t believe you acted that way…no wait, I take that back you responding in some outrageous way is typical of you so never mind. Still you attacked a man for kissing Chase.” “Well, what did you expect me to do, just stand by and let the ass molest Chase in the lobby like that. I was trying to spare the man his dignity and his chastity.” said House with a sneer as he turned on the television. “That’s funny to hear you mention that because Cameron came to my office as well and told me what you said to Chase…something along the lines that he better stay away from you or else.” said Wilson as he put his hands on his hips. House sighed in exasperation and said, “I didn’t mean it.” “Well not according to Cameron, you did. She said she saw Chase as he was leaving the locker rooms and he looked really upset, so she asked him what happened even though she knew already, damn gossip mill. Anyways, apparently Chase was telling her the story when broke down in tears and told her that you told him to stay the hell away from you and something along the lines of she was wrong. Which by the way, she told me to tell you specifically.” said Wilson with his eyebrows raised and waiting for House to respond.

As House took another sip from his beer he said, “Good, they’re learning not to underestimate me and that I can still keep them on their toes even when they don’t work for me anymore.” “House! Chase was crying! Not even when his father passed away did he get this upset. You have to tell him that you didn’t mean what you said and that you’re sorry for even saying it.” said Wilson as he walked around the couch to stand to the side of it. “Hey, this isn’t any of your business.” stated House as he turned to Wilson. “Well, I’m making it my business! House, you said you knew that Chase had feelings for you, so why did you tell him to stay away from you? Because I know deep down inside you actually care about him whether you want to admit it or not. So now then, the truth!” said Wilson crossing his arms in front of him and waiting for House to respond. “Look, just because he wants to get into my…” started House but was interrupted by Wilson saying his name and raising an eyebrow. “God you’re so annoying when you want information out of me.” said House still trying to deflect. Wilson stood still and waited with the same expression on his face. “Fine, I was jealous, ok! There you have your answer now go and leave me alone so I can at least pretend I didn’t tell you anything.” said House as he turned away from Wilson.

“House, you trying to pretend this isn’t happening is not going to solve anything, you know that and no matter how hard you try to deny your feelings for Chase, you can’t.” said Wilson as he uncrossed his arms and sat on the coffee table in front of House. “Wanna bet. I‘ll even bet you 500 dollars that I can and when I win, I get, say the 500 and free lunches and dinners paid by you for the rest of your life.” said House as he crossed his arms over his chest, trying to be difficult. Wilson bit his lip to keep his laughter to himself at witnessing his best friend act like a 5 year-old, again. “Stop trying to avoid the topic here. Why do you have this desire to just be miserable and alone anyway? Is it because of Stacy?” asked Wilson with some concern. “Hey, you said Chase wasn’t Stacy…Wilson, it’s just that…” “What, you can tell me.” encouraged Wilson feeling some surprise that House was probably going to be open about something for once.

“I have you and I don’t need anyone else.” said House while he exaggeratedly batted his eye-lashes at Wilson. Wilson gave a sigh in disappointment and rubbed his eyes. “You know, do whatever you want, I can’t believe you’re still denying your feelings for Chase.” said Wilson as he stood up to go get a drink from the kitchen. “Aw…did I disappoint the little matchmaker in you?” called out House as Wilson was getting a beer from the fridge. As Wilson stood at the entrance to the kitchen he looked at House and thought of another tactic to use against the man. “This is a good thing.” he said after a moment, as he took a seat on the other side of the couch and looked to the television screen. “What is? The beer?” asked House in slight confusion and suspicion that Wilson was changing the subject so soon.

“Nope, I meant that maybe this is a good thing for Chase. I mean you apparently don’t like him, like he likes you and maybe having a relationship with a rock star that’s really into him is something that he needs right now to get over his feelings for you.” said Wilson as he continued to watch the television and took a sip of his beer. “hmm…” said House as he turned to the television screen. ‘Ok…either he’s really not interested in Chase or in 3...2...1...’thought Wilson and if is on cue House said, “You know maybe there should be someone to supervise Mr. Jameson’s check-ups, in case Chase finds something else wrong with him and…knowing the little idiot wombat, he’ll probably need someone to consult with because he won’t have a clue as to what it is he’s dealing with. The first thing he’d probably think it is, is lupus, but I find out it’s really something neurological which I have not doubt it will be. Stupid boy band reject.” grumbled out House as he stood up to answer the door when a knock and a voice called out, “Wong’s delivery service.”

As House stood up to answer the door, Wilson hid a small smile while he took another sip of his beer. If he couldn’t help Chase and House directly, then he would just have to help by manipulating House into realizing his own feelings before his best friend made the biggest mistake of his life by not doing anything. ‘I just hope House realizes soon that he indeed loves Chase and finally admits it to Chase as well and hopefully it won’t be too late for House or for that matter Chase.’ thought Wilson to himself as he helped House set some of the take out food on the coffee table.Wilson didn't mention anything else after that and soon both men sat down to enjoy some food and a program on the television.

rock on house series, non-con, angst, house/chase, omc/chase

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