Part 2 of ?

Oct 28, 2009 01:45

disclaimer: again don't own house and it's characters. *hugs Dylan* but he's mine! *Dylan mouths a help me to Derek and Will.* *Both just look on and take several steps away.*

Chapter 2:

The next day…

Chase felt slightly better this morning as he walked into PPTH, having gone home and then getting some real time alone to think about his feelings for House and a good night’s rest. He came to the conclusion that the only way to get his feelings across and see how House truly felt about him was to just confess. Sure, he knew there was a big possibility that House would 1)mock him, flat out reject him and then mock him some more, 2)mock him and then completely avoid him, 3)punch him *wince* or 4)tell him that he felt the same way for Chase.

He seriously doubted though that House would just blurt out his feelings that way. Knowing the man, if he did feel the same way for Chase, he’d probably still mock him about it and then constantly remind Chase, in his own way of course, that he felt the same way for him. Chase could not help a small smile as he thought about when he would confess to House and have some hope that House did feel the same for him.


Later at noon time, after checking to see if there were any surgeries that he needed to perform, he went to the floor that held his one patient that he dreaded visiting again. Sure, Dylan was handsome and Chase couldn’t help but admire his looks, but having the man act like some bloody horny bastard that would hump even a table leg just detracted from his overall looks and personality and just made the man look like a bloody moron that Chase did not want to deal with.

So it came as a shock when Chase was in the doorway to Dylan’s room and was about to greet said patient, to see the man sitting up in bed and having what looked like a normal and yet serious conversation with a young man arranging some flowers next to his bed.

“That’s cool, Jeremy. I remember writing my first songs and thinking it was gonna be easy, boy was I ever wrong. *chuckle* I think I was so stressed out that I remember trashing ‘Waiting’ and ‘Early’ the first time I wrote them” “You didn’t!” “Yeah I did, but luckily Will was around because he was the one that found them even after I tore them up and he showed them to Derek and they told me they were good. After that I had a lot more self-confidence in my writing and started writing like crazy. I think Derek and Will were shocked that I had come up with several more songs the next day, they even joked that I was some kind of lyrical machine.” “So…do you think I should keep on writing?” asked Jeremy. “Totally man, just have a little more confidence in yourself. As long as you set your mind to it, anything is possible.” “Thanks Mr. Jameson.”

“Please, Mr. Jameson is my dad, just call me Dylan.” “Alright….Dylan.” said Jeremy as he shyly walked over to the bed to shake Dylan’s hand. “No problem, just keep on writing and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.” said Dylan, with a genuine smile that even Chase could not help but admire and handed what looked like a spiral notebook to Jeremy. Jeremy took the notebook and looked at it for a moment and then launched himself at Dylan, giving the surprised man a hug. “THANK YOU!” said an enthusiastic Jeremy. Dylan chuckled after his initial shock and gave Jeremy a hug as well and said, “Your welcome.” As Jeremy pulled away, Dylan turned to Chase with the same smile and said, “I think it’s time for the doc to have a look at me.”

Chase blushed slightly at having that same smile directed at him as he walked further into the room. “I better go then, thanks again Dylan for letting me see you.” said Jeremy as he gathered his stuff from one of the chairs in the room and left. “Take care man, and I wish you luck with your writing. Who knows maybe you‘ll write a song for us and we could collaborate in the future.” said Dylan as he watched Jeremy gather his stuff. Jeremy smiled, nodded and then left the room with a happy dazed look on his face.

As Chase was checking the IV drips he asked out of curiosity, “A friend?” “A fan. He’s the one that I had pulled up on stage to sing to and well…you know how that went so my manager Roger sent him over in way of apology. ” said Dylan as he watched Chase check the measurements. “Where’s your other friend then?” asked Chase noticing that Will was not around. “He went home to change and then he said he was going to drop by my place to get me a change of clothes for me when I get discharged.” said Dylan as he turned away from Chase.

A few seconds of silence later. “Dr. Chase, I’m sorry about yesterday.” blurted out Dylan as he rubbed the back of his neck. “I can be a real jerk sometimes when I’m around someone that I’m attracted to and then end up saying the most stupidest shit possible. So again I’m sorry.” “Um…apology accepted.” said Chase and walked to the end of the bed to write down the adjustments on Dylan’s chart. “Man, now you think I’m this total jerk of a loser don‘t you. So in reality you don’t really believe my apology is sincere. Was I that bad?” asked Dylan. “yes you were.” stated Chase as he gave Dylan a pointed look and then went back to the chart. “Look, could you find it in your heart to forgive me if I treated you to say…dinner, my treat?” Chase placed the chart back where it belonged and came over to Dylan’s beside. “you apologized, that’s enough for me.” said Chase as he started to check Dylan for any possible side effects to both the arsenic or the treatment.

As Chase took out his penlight, a large hand grabbed him by the wrist and said, “I really am sorry, so please, let me make it up to you.” “Let go.” said Chase giving a slight tug to his arm. As Dylan held on to his wrist Chase couldn’t help feeling slightly intimidated as he now realized Dylan had a larger frame than him and with that idea he hoped Dylan was not physically aggressive. Dylan sighed as he saw the slight fear in Chase’s eyes and did just that. “I know I’m just a stranger to you and I can understand why you’re offended by the way I acted yesterday but can’t you let me show you that I’m really not a jerk.”

“Mr. Jameson, I’m flattered that you think you need to make this up to me in some way but like you said you’re a stranger to me. Plus you’re apparently a popular stranger by the small crowd of fans and media that were outside the front entrance of the hospital when I came in this morning. I mean I’ve never heard of the group Trinity but even I heard some of the nurses gossiping about you and I seriously think I’m just a minor person passing through your life. So I don’t think you should be too worried that you offended me or not, because you’re gonna forget all about this incident, including me, once you‘ve been discharged.” said Chase as he crossed his arms over his chest.


“Nah, seriously doubt it dude.” said a voice from the doorway. Chase and Dylan turned in startlement towards the door to see Will enter the room with a duffle bag in tow. “This is apparently the second time that he’s shown he’s actually sincere about someone, since most of the time he acts like such a total egomaniac.” “Will!” said Dylan with a hint of embarrassment at being called an egomaniac in front of Chase. “What? It’s true, besides this is the first time in forever that I get the chance to finally tease you for all the crap I take from you. So I’m gonna milk this for as long as I can. ” said Will as he stuck his tongue out at Dylan. “oh god…”said Dylan as he covered his face with a hand and leaned back into the hospital bed.

“Dr. Chase, what my friend here has failed to tell you is that even though he finds you physically attractive that doesn’t mean he wants just a one night stand with you. He really wants to get to know you and also apologize about yesterday.” “Will, can you…” tried to interrupt Dylan. “And according to Derek when I spoke to him this morning, Dylan had a similar experience when he met his first serious girlfriend.” continued Will ignoring Dylan’s glare from across the room. “The guy acted like a total jerk when she helped him out at some theme park apparently and instead of thanking her like any normal human being would. Well….the idiot went gaga over her, of course, so what does he do instead of thanking her, he insults her and ends up going to the hospital because she socked him good enough to knock him into a lamp post and got a concussion.” said Will chuckling at the end.

Chase turned to Dylan to see some kind of acknowledgement of what Will was saying was true and saw Dylan blushing furiously while trying to look away from Chase. “Really?” asked Chase. “Yup.” said Will. “Apparently the dork, groveled like his life depended on it and apparently won the girl in the end.” “So…what happened to her, I mean I haven’t seen a woman visit you….” “She passed away a couple years back.” interjected Dylan as looked down at his blanket. “Oh, I’m sorry about…”

Dylan interrupted Chase and said, “Don’t apologize for something that happened years ago. We were both young when we first met and it’s not like Linda was tragically taken from me. When I first started to get to know her, she told me she was sick and she tried everything to stop me from pursuing her because of that reason. Though that didn’t stop me one bit and before I knew it we were dating and I don’t regret having her in my life and neither did she.” said Dylan as he looked up at Chase with conviction.

Chase at that moment while looking into Dylan’s grey eyes, couldn’t help but feel sorry for what happened to Dylan. Looking away, Chase said as he walked to the door, “I’m sorry…” “I’m not..” “but again I’m going to have to decline on your offer about dinner. I don’t think it would look well for a doctor to be seeing his patient outside of the hospital, especially a patient as popular as you. So no and if that doesn’t convince you that my answer is still no…then I would like to let you know now that I already have someone that I’m interested in.” “So you have a girlfriend?” asked Dylan. “Look, Mr. Jameson….” “A boyfriend then?” “I… would hope that you would respect my feelings and please try to put this whole incident in your past, including me. Now as to your discharge, I’m going to make the arrangements right now and I’m also going to arrange to have another doctor to take over your periodic visits for your check-ups. So…I wish you the best of luck.” said Chase as he left the room.


Once Chase left the room, Will looked at his friend with a chagrined look and said, “Dylan…I didn’t know. I mean, Derek didn’t tell me all the details but I just assumed that the reason why she wasn’t around was that either Linda or you just broke up before I met you and…I’m really sorry man, I didn‘t know.” Will not getting a response from Dylan worried him and he continued to babble, “Dylan, really I’m sorry dude!…if you’re really mad at me…I can understand. I mean I was really curious about your behavior and so when Derek told me…man I really screwed up didn’t I?…I just wanted to get back at you for a bit…I didn’t *sniff* know….” mumbled a sad Will, who started wiping at his face.

“Hey, come here.” said Dylan as he finally noticed Will was getting upset. Will expecting to be yelled at, timidly walked over to Dylan’s bedside and was surprised to be pulled into a hug. “Now who’s acting like a dork.” whispered Dylan as he hugged his upset friend. Will at this point was more grateful for the hug and couldn’t stop himself from crying into Dylan’s chest. “I’m sorry Dylan!” cried Will. “Hey, none of that. The reason why I didn’t tell you about Linda is that it happened a long time ago and yeah it was way before you met me and Derek. The only reason Derek knows is because Lily was Linda’s friend and he was there when I first met Linda. Plus I knew you would get all upset if I told you about Linda. I mean look at you now, you’re leaving snot all over my hospital gown, you worry wart.” “Shut up.” rasped out Will and proceeded to rub his slightly runny nose into Dylan’s chest. “Eww! Will! That’s gross! Now I really do have snot on me!” exclaimed Dylan as he pushed Will away from him and pulled the hospital gown away from his chest. “So you’re not mad at me for bringing up Linda.” asked a worried Will. “No, I’m not, but I am upset that you got my hospital gown drenched in tears and snot.” said Dylan pulling a face at the mess on his chest.

As Will calmed down some more he asked, “So are you going to, pardon the pun, stop chasing after Dr. Chase?” “No.” said Dylan as he grabbed a few tissue papers on the bedside table and tried to wipe up some of the wetness on his chest. “What?…but Dylan you heard Dr. Chase. He said he already has someone he’s interested in.” replied Will as he made a grab for some tissues himself to blow his nose.

“Oh, I heard him alright but he didn’t say that the other person returned his feelings and he didn‘t agree with me that he was already in a relationship. So, I’m gonna make a guess that the other person might not feel the same way OR Dr. Chase is too afraid to confess to whoever that person is. I mean I look at the man and I can‘t imagine him not being with that person he likes. So maybe that other person is an incredible idiot or is leading Dr. Chase along. Either way I’m gonna prove to Dr. Chase that I’m the better someone for him.” “Dylan…” “Don’t worry Will, if in the end Dr. Chase still doesn’t feel the same way I do for him, then at least I’ll know that I tried.” said Dylan. “You’re such a persistent dork, you know that.” said Will as he shook his head. “Yeah, I know.” said Dylan with a smile. “But you love me that way.” Both men soon went on to another topic of conversation to matters of their band and media coverage as they waited for Dylan to be discharged.


After Chase was done making the arrangements for Dylan and signing the paperwork over to Dr. Henderson to be Dylan‘s main doctor, he headed for the cafeteria for a late lunch. Along the way he ran into Cameron and the first thing out of her mouth was, “So according to our gossiping nurses, you’re dating a rock star? So does this mean you‘re giving up on House?” “What? No… and no” answered Chase with a sigh. “Well the reason why I‘m asking is because, apparently ‘The Dylan’ is staying here and last night he kept asking about you from the nurses that snuck in to visit him to get autographs or take pictures. Which makes me wonder…we never have that many nurses on the night shift. Anyways, according to a few of them they think it‘s cute that he likes you and they‘re hoping that you are dating him.” said Cameron as she walked beside Chase to the cafeteria. “Well they can hope all they want but that doesn’t make it true.” said Chase as he looked over what he was going to eat.

“Hey Chase, Hey Cameron.” said Foreman as he stood in line next to them. Both acknowledged him with their own greeting of hello. “So Chase, what’s this I hear you’re in love with some rock star?” questioned Foreman and turned to Chase with an eyebrow raised. Chase could only groan. “No I’m not! Those are just rumors, I can’t believe it’s already escalated to that.” “Well, it has been a dry spell for the rumor mill which is made up of all the nurses and some of the staff and I guess hearing something new about another doctor’s love life gets them all riled up some. I mean it hasn‘t been a day and even I heard about it, it usually takes a couple of days for me to hear the rumors.” explained Foreman as he followed Chase and Cameron to a table that was further towards the back and there were less people.

“So is she hot?” asked Foreman as they sat down. “She who?” asked Chase with some confusion. “I think you’ve got your info mixed up, Foreman. The “rock star” is a man.” stated Cameron before she started eating her salad. “A guy?!” asked Foreman in shock. “From the way some of the nurses described the situation I only assumed it was a woman. Not that I’m against same-sex relationships or anything and I know it’s none of my business if you like men, but I didn’t know you were into men in the first place. Is that why you two aren‘t together anymore?” asked Foreman. “No, we just agreed that we were better as friends and after that I noticed Chase started developing feelings for someone and I made him fess up to who it was.“ said Cameron. “oh really? Who?” asked Foreman out of curiosity.

Cameron, hearing that Foreman would not judge Chase for his sexual orientation, trusted him enough to turn to look and stare at a booth on the far side of the cafeteria along the wall. Foreman followed Cameron‘s gaze with some confusion as he eyed some of the people sitting at the booths. ‘I seriously doubt Chase is into an old couple, and that booth has a family…who is Cameron looking at?…the only other people I see are House and Wilson…hmm I wonder what House told Wilson to make him spit out his water…’ thought Foreman. “You like Wilson?…Well, I wouldn’t blame you. He is a nice guy, the only thing I see there being a problem is his panty peeling ways and I‘d hate to crush your hopes but then you‘d have to deal with House…..” said Foreman in slight amusement. “Not Wilson..” said Cameron as see rolled her eyes at Foreman guessing wrong. “Cameron!” said Chase as he blushed, hoping that Cameron wouldn’t correct Foreman. Foreman could only look at Cameron in confusion, Cameron in turn raised an eyebrow with a slight smirk on her face, so he pursed his lips in thought, ‘If it’s not Wilson…then who…’ as it donned on Foreman. He blurted out, “Are you insane?! That‘s like a man saying he’d liked to be stung by bees over and over again, a balloon being cradled by a cactus, a diver not minding that he‘s being mauled by a shark, a…” “Yes Foreman! I get your point.” said Chase in exasperation. “Look Chase if you want my advise, which I’m sure you don’t, but still if I were you I’d rather go for that rock star rather than House.” said Foreman as he stood up to leave. “He’s not that bad.” defended Chase. “Sure… well either way, I guess I’ll wish you a lot of good luck on that because you are definitely going to be needing it.” said Foreman as he patted Chase on the shoulder. “And if things don’t work out for you, then just know that if you need someone to just talk to, I’ve got you’re back and I’ll be the first one to help you find Cameron so you can cry on her shoulder.” teased Foreman. “Ha ha” said Chase sarcastically as he leaned his head in his hands.

“Chase, Foreman is just teasing you.” said Cameron as she grabbed one of Chase’s hands to remove from his face. “What if he’s right, Cameron? What if I’m setting myself up for misery?” “Don’t think that way Chase, you never know until you at least give this a shot. I mean, yeah House wasn’t the first person on my list that I thought you would fall for but he does have a way to just keep you pulled into his world, no matter how far away you try to get. And besides who cares what anyone else says, you fell in love with a man who, as annoying as he may be, has a good side to him, no matter how hard he tries to cover it up. So I think you seeing past all that makes you more deserving of his love and if he can’t see that then, then I’ll make sure he gets reminded everyday what he gave up.” Chase at seeing the determination in Cameron’s eyes couldn’t resist a small smile. “You’re a great friend Allison.” said Chase. Cameron blushed slightly and said “yeah well so are you.”


“So are you trying to use your telepathic powers on them to know what they‘re talking about?” asked Wilson as he watched House eyeing his three former fellows from across the cafeteria. “Nope, I gave up that idea once I learned it doesn’t work on idiots.” said House as he turned to snag a chip off of Wilson’s plate. “Oh and have you found a way around that idea?” asked Wilson as he took a bite out of his sandwich. “Don’t really need powers to know what they’re thinking or talking about, they do have simple minds for brilliant doctors.” said House. “Really…then oh powerful and knowing one, please tell me what they’re thinking.” said Wilson as he gave a small mocking bow. “Well…Foreman is still in denial that he’s a darker skinned version of me, Cameron is still hoping that she can fix certain things…and…” House gave a slight pause as Wilson took a drink from his water “ Chase wants me to get into his pants and make nice with little Chase.” PFFFFT! “what…”choked out Wilson before he started to cough since some of his water went down the wrong pipe. As House pretended to wipe some water from his face, he said, “Apparently our resident wombat wants to get familiar with the House crown jewels.” As Wilson recovered from his coughing fit he said in disbelief, “Yes I heard you the first time perfectly well. But…I can’t imagine why Chase would have a thing for your crown jewels to begin with. So either you‘re just trying to make me look like a fool choking on his own water or….”

“Hey, you believed me when I told you both Cameron and Cuddy wanted my crown jewels too.” “Yes House, everyone wants you’re crown jewels and nobody can resist them because you’re such a stud.” said Wilson with a deadpan face. “Fine, don’t believe me.” said House as he leaned back into the booth again with a pout on his face and stole another chip from Wilson’s plate.

As Wilson eyed House, his eyes widened and he said, “oh my god…if it’s true, you’re not really against the idea of Chase having a thing for you. Do you?” “I never said that.” said House. “No but you’re implying that you wouldn’t mind if it was true.” said Wilson with a fond smile. “Of course I mind, I may only hang out with you all the time but that doesn’t make me gay…” “The term is Bisexual, House.” “Bisexual, tri-sexual, metrosexual, whatever, still doesn’t make me want to play with any part of Chase’s body.” said House as he made a exaggerated face of disgust. “You know, I don’t believe you. I think deep down inside you’re happy that he’s found an interest in you. And I think you’re just scared of letting yourself be with someone…again. Except you’re letting your mind get in the way of being happy, he’s not Stacy, House.” “Of course he’s not Stacy, he doesn’t have her chest…” “House…just once, can’t you just let someone into your life?” sighed out Wilson. “Yes great advice from the man that is greatly known for his panty peeling skills…remind me again, how many divorces have you had already.“ stated House sarcastically.

“Just do all of us and yourself a big favor House, try to at least go easy on Chase no matter what you end up deciding to do.” said Wilson. “hmm…” seemed to agree House as he turned to see Foreman leave the group. He continued to watch Cameron and Chase, especially Chase when he then turned to face Wilson again and said, “Well I better go check on my patient to make sure they aren’t dying.” said House as he rolled his eyes and got up to leave. “Wait, you don’t have a patient right now.” said Wilson in confusion. “Nope I don’t, just wanted to practice my story for when Cuddy came looking for me for clinic duty today.” said House as he took the whole bag of chips from Wilson’s plate. “Hey!” exclaimed Wilson making a grab for the chips and failing to take them back. “See ya!” said House as he waved the bag of chips to say goodbye. Wilson only sighed and continued to eat his sandwich he thought, ‘Chase is seriously gonna have his hands full with that man.’ As he finished his train of thought, he smiled to himself but then made a small frown, ‘I forgot to ask House if Chase had mentioned or if he’d heard the rumors about that singer.’


At the end of the day as House was stepping off the elevators on the main floor, he noticed that the small gaggle of pubescent teens of both sexes and some obvious journalists and photographers were still outside of the hospital entrance when he had first come in to work today. He noticed a few of them now held up signs that read, ‘Dylan, I <3 you!’ ‘Marry me, Dylan’ ‘Trinity Rulez!’ ‘Derek I want to have your babies’ ‘I want Dylan AND Derek!’ ‘Will you rock!’ House raising an eyebrow at the babies poster couldn’t suppress an eye roll at the idiocy of some people. As he continued to head for the entrance a familiar voice called out his name.

“House!” called out Chase as he was coming down the stairway. House immediately stopped and turned towards Chase. “Yes, I think we already established that you knew who I was already. Can’t you see that I was almost out the door. So this better be important.” said House grumpily as he swallowed a pill. “Um, sorry, but do you think I could have a moment of your time and discuss something with you?” asked Chase nervously. “ok, ask away.” said House as he leaned on the reception desk in the lobby. “Can, um, we go somewhere more private to talk about this?” asked Chase as he hoped that House wasn’t going to make this any harder for him.

As House was going to reply a voice interrupted him with, “Dr. Chase! I’m glad that I was able to run into you before I left.” House looked slightly to the right of Chase and with a scowl on his face saw a dark haired man sitting in a wheel chair being pushed by a young man with a boyish face talking animatedly and a man that looked like some kind of bodyguard walking beside him listening silently. Chase groaned at the idea of running into Dylan before he left and sighed in annoyance that he was interrupted from talking to House. So with a hint of annoyance in his voice and a fake smile he turned and asked, “Mr. Jameson, I thought you had left already?” As the trio stopped in front of Chase, Dylan stood up from the wheelchair and took a small step into Chase’s personal space and said, “I couldn’t just leave without saying goodbye to my angel.”

House hearing this comment made a face of confusion at first and then proceeded to glare at the handsome man that was openly flirting with his Chase. “Well, goodbye and just take good care of yourself.” said Chase as he took a small step back hoping that Dylan would leave it at that. Of course Dylan didn’t take the hint and so took another step towards Chase until Chase noticed a warmth at his back and a cane appear in front of him preventing Dylan from stepping closer. Chase looked up over his shoulder and his heart skipped a beat as he took in the sight of House openly glowering at Dylan as if he was jealous. “I think you made it perfectly clear to Dr. Chase that you were leaving and besides ‘we’ were in the middle of an important conversation.” said House.

Dylan stopped to look over at House as if seeing him for the first time and said, “Oh, sorry. I didn’t realize he was busy.” “Well he is. He was going to ask me for a consult on a patient of his when you interrupted us.” said House as he stepped around to stand next to Chase. “Really? Well I’m sorry that I interrupted in the first place, Mr.…?” “Dr. House” “oh, sorry man, Dr. House.” said Dylan with a smile as he offered his hand for a handshake. House ignored Dylan’s hand and so Dylan retracted his hand, turned to Chase once more and said, “Again Dr. Chase, I’m glad that you saved my life.” and offered his hand in a handshake. House still glaring at Dylan rolled his eyes when Chase took Dylan’s offered hand in a firm handshake. As he did he heard the distinct clicking sound and then a flash, ‘Great, some of the paparazzi got in to take pictures of this idiot boy band wanna-be and the wombat is encouraging him.’ he thought.

Chase being momentarily distracted with the flash going off turned towards the source and then back and as he did Dylan give him an eye-wink. All of a sudden Chase found himself against the man’s chest and as he looked up at the man’s face with a look of bewilderment, his expression changed into shock as Dylan placed his other arm to hold him at the small of his back and then he heard Dylan whisper into his ear, “I love you.” Chase didn’t get a chance to react in any way because the next thing he knew he was being kissed passionately by Dylan. And as Chase’s mind froze and his lids slid closed out of a natural reaction to being kissed, he barely heard the sounds of several more clicking cameras, people gasp, some wolf whistles and even a couple of squeals of delight. All those sounds didn’t seem as important to his ears or his mind except for one voice which growled out with a deep angry voice, “You son of a bitch!”

And that’s when all hell broke loose in the lobby of PPTH….

rock on house series, non-con, house/chase, omc/chase

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