Sep 02, 2007 02:09

So on top of my headcold i get a UTI gone wild in my kidney. I woke up the other morning with a blunt stabbing (possible?) pain in my lower-middle back. It hurt so bad i was delirious with pain and tried googling hospital and ER a million times until Ben came and got me. It stopped when i took an advil, laid down and smoked a cigarette. Like out of no where. He took me to the doctors and now i'm on antibiotics which make me tired and groggy. I feel like the infection is moving down because now it's hurting in the front and lower.
Having your kidney hurt is like the most uncomfortable thing over. It's just weird to feel it. Worst pain ever. Now it's starting to hurt when i talk about it, lol.
But it should clear up soon. At first i thought it was a kidney stone. Similar symptoms. Not sure at this point, but maybe it's moving through and that's why i can feel it traveling. So weird. I don't know. But i'll be ok.

There was a party for the newly wed Daniel Brindley and wife today. Ben drank too much too fast and then asked me if i wanted to marry him. I think it was "You wanna get married?". Haha. Not the first time he's asked me that. I always ask "Are you proposing to me?" and he's like "Yea, i guess." Dr. T says we're next to get married. Ben says one year i say 2.
Ew. I know sorry guys. I'm just warning you...

But we are all going to Poland this winter holiday for Christmas and Emilia's engagement party. Me, Ben, and my Daddy. I'm so excited!!!

Fuck everything life is fucking badass.
Despite kidneys and housing situations and shit.
Fuck that. Whatevs.
I have an amazing boyfriend and the best family.
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