Sep 10, 2008 16:40
What a beautiful performance by England!! This is how England could and should be playing all the time. Gorgeous gorgeous.
Ugh, I'm so fucking sick of this whole "Obama called Palin a pig! OMG HE IS SO SEXIST!!@!8282189!!1" bullshit. I love how the news just showed McCain using the exact same "lipstick on a pig" line back in May, but you didn't see the Hillary camp all flipping out and accusing him of being sexist. That's because Hillary is a real woman. (I never thought I'd ever ever defend Hillary but damn that Palin chick erks me.)
Still watching the weather 24/7. The eye is supposed to go in about 90 miles from me as of right now. We'll get hella wind and alot of rain but we should be okay. I just don't want the power to go off and for us to be sat here in the heat for a day or more waiting for it to be fixed. So, we'll see. I'm still here for now.. not sure about later tonight.
football: the beautiful game,
living near the gulf coast,
decision 2008