
Jul 11, 2010 20:32

Day 2 - Your favourite movie

Haha I suck. It's Prisoner of Azkaban again. I don't know why, I'm pretty sure it's because Gary Oldman and David Thewlis make me squeee hardcore. Plus, on a shallow level, Harry is such a hotass in it. From the beginning with the hair and the blush on his cheeks when he says "I don't care, anywhere's better than here" in the hotass accent to the end where it's very blatantly humping Gary Oldman with his eyes when Sirius asks him to come live with him. Yes please and can I have some more?

On a non shallow level... well, at least a little more deep than before, Alfonso Cuaron deserves a special place in heaven for his directing of this movie. Everything is perfect. It's my favourite book and it's such a great adaptation of it.

Plus, my god, the shippyness. Embraced like brothers my arse.

harry potter, meme

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