TV meme continued

Jun 04, 2010 22:23

Hmmmm, this is a tough one. I can never pick just one thing for any of these memes so I'm going to say:

The X Files What is there to say. I watched the Pilot in my parents bedroom on a black and white TV when I was 11 and fell instantly in love from then on. My mom wandered in during the episode "Squeeze" and was like WTF ARE YOU WATCHING? but it was too late. I was hooked. I was in love with Fox Mulder and his quirky out there beliefs. I was in love with Dana Scully for being a strong, passionate female character that I could identify with. I was in love with their relationship, with the funny episodes, with the scary episodes. I taped every episode on VHS tapes and watched them over and over again until the tapes would disintegrate in the VCR. Oh, X Files. ♥

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And also...

Queer as Folk (US) I caught an episode of Queer as Folk one night while flipping through channels and was hooked. This was in 2002 and they were already in Season 3. I immediately rented seasons 1 and 2 and stayed up all night for like 6 days straight watching seasons 1 and 2 while trying to go to school. I fell in love with the characters and the stories and the relationships. I loved Brian Kinney and wanted to kick him at the same time for hurting Justin, I cried along with the injustices, and cheered for the victories.

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Oh Justin, you are so beautiful and strong.

queer as folk, meme, tv meme

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