Day 2 and 3 because I already fell behind darn it.

Jun 01, 2010 17:03

I have no idea, really. I think all the shows I watch have pretty good ratings. I'll change this to "A show you should be watching if you for some reason aren't already" and answer Modern Family. This is one of the best new TV shows around. It genuinely has a couple of LOL moments every episode, and I have fallen in love with the characters.

This is one of my favourite scenes from it, very early on, and sort of the reason why I started loving it.

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Ha! I swear I didn't look ahead when I was talking about Modern Family. Well, since I already said that for the previous question, I'll have to say Glee for this one. Oh, Glee. From the first time I saw the pilot after American Idol last year I was hooked. Show choir stuff is what I love best. The songs are awesome, the plots are so-so (fake pregnancy story, I'm looking at you) but the cast absolutely makes up for the plot. It's over the top and cheesy as hell and I looooove it.

Here's one of my favourite scenes: Kurt, you are the light of my life!!

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tv meme

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