Disney/Universal Studios halp

Mar 14, 2010 19:08

Hey, have any of my friends gone to Disney World? I'm thinking of taking my niece either during Thanksgiving or maybe early next year.

Anyway, I'm so confused about the whole thing! I thought it was all one big giant theme park and now I realize that Disney World is actually separate from Universal Studios and that each place actually has multiple theme parks. Holy shit!

So I need halp planning this trip. Has anyone gone at a particular time of year and enjoyed it? Also, what are must sees and what can be missed? My niece is going to be 12 this year so she's a bit older and doesn't need the kiddie rides. I know she'd love to go the Animal Kingdom and her aunt REALLY REALLY has to go see the Harry Potter world but other than that I'm open to suggestions. Also, where do we stay omg?

trip planning

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