Days 5 & 6

Dec 06, 2009 19:38

Day 5 - Favourite quote

I don't really have a favourite quote that I know of. I guess "All thinking men are atheists" by Ernest Hemingway is about as close as I come to actually having a favourite quote. Oh and "There's no need to call me sir, Professor." and "He can run faster than Severus Snape confronted with shampoo." from Harry Potter

Day 6 - Whatever tickles your fancy

My Christmas lights outside my apartment with Giggsy looking on. Hee.

Also, does anyonehave that macro with Hermione going "I am not an owl?" and then the white owl popping up and going "O RLY?" I used to have it but cant find it anywhere and that part just happened in Goblet of Fire and I laugh everytime I see it because I think of it lmao.

30 days, harry potter, meme

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