Days 3 and 4

Dec 04, 2009 19:34

Day 3: Favourite TV show

So favourite OLDER show is and always will be The X Files. I watched the first episode when it aired and fell in love. I dreamed that one day I would be a criminal psychologist and married to Fox Mulder (I was 11 at the time, hush it.) I still get very nostalgic everytime I watch the show and I know there are a few boxes at my parents house that are full of VHS tapes of episodes I taped off TV, magazines, X Files comics, books, etc etc.

Second place going to Queer as Folk.

Favourite CURRENT show is a tie between Grey's Anatomy and The Office. Grey's has McDreamy and The Office has funny. So there you go.

Day 4: Favourite book

Without saying obvious things like Harry Potter (Prisoner of Azkaban) and Lord of the Rings, I say it's a tie between A Farewell to Arms - Ernest Hemingway and At Swim, Two Boys - Jamie O'Neill. I first read A Farewell to Arms in high school and loved it for some odd reason. And I highly recommend At Swim, Two Boys if you haven't read it. It's wonderful but heartbreaking.

30 days, meme

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