Random bit o' Cristiano gushing

Jan 20, 2009 21:44

I finally got around to watching Cris's interview that was broadcast on MUTV around New Year's and I just have to squeal at him a bit. It's amazing how much he's grown since he first arrived at United. And not just in a physical or football sense, but in an emotional sense. And my Lord, his English. He just amazes me more and more everytime I hear ( Read more... )

dem bones, cristiano ronaldo (there's only one)

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deanna_tyler January 21 2009, 12:32:30 UTC
I loved that interview too, he came across as so mature and well-spoken. It made me want to hug him.

I'm terribly confused over how I feel about him now. I adored him like anything before last summer, and I fiercely defended him against every criticism. But after the summer, I just didn't know what to do. He hurt us a lot. I know many people will say that he was just following his dream or whatever, the fact is that he didn't care about United as much as we cared about him. Which made me think that maybe I shouldn't care about him quite so much. I've been trying, but it's difficult when you hear interviews like that, and see incidents like the one at Bolton, or hear about the kid that he gave a lift to because he didn't want the boy to walk in the rain....and there are so many other things. Just as there are many negative things too-the whining and pouting, the temper tantrums, diving, etc. I guess he'll forever remain someone who makes me want to hate him and love him equally.

Sorry for the fangirlish rant. :) It's been a while since I ranted about Cris.


yanks_02 January 21 2009, 13:42:30 UTC
See, alot of people say that (re: Real Madrid situation) but I have to ask what your expectations of Cristian was to begin with. Did you expect that he would be at OT forever? I never did. He's never been a Giggsy or Gaz or Scholesy, I always knew he'd end up playing in a country like Spain which is closer to what he knows: the culture, the weather, and literally closer to his family. Some people expected him to stay a United player forever, and that's why they were so upset with the whole transfer business this summer. And all I can say to that is that those people are going to continue to be disppointed now that the culture of football has changed: there will no longer be those legend players which stay at the same club their whole lives.

Alot of what was said this summer was the doings of that asshat Calderon and the Spanish press. I doubt Cristiano said 95% of what was printed, and I really think the extent of his part in the whole deal was "well, I do want to go play at Madrid because of the culture and the weather and the location" (which has always been the case) but that the Spanish press turned around to mean "I want to leave United." I doubt he ever uttered those words.

*shrugs* I just think people should get over their high expectations (we've been so spoiled by our players remaining at OT their whole lives) and enjoy what we've been given while we have it. The best player in the world is a Red, just enjoy it while he's here.


deanna_tyler January 25 2009, 07:43:03 UTC
Maybe you're right, it was unreasonable to expect him to stay here forever. But it doesn't mean that it hurts any less. See, for me, he's the reason I started watching football. It sounds pathetic when I say that, but it's true. If I hadn't seen him at the World Cup, I would never have got into the game at all. He intrigued me then, and when I heard that he played for Man United, it was natural to start supporting them too. What I didn't expect was to fall so much in love with the team that he just become a side show instead of the centre of attraction. And now, just after two years of enjoying watching him, he wanted to go somewhere else? I couldn't accept that. I knew that there was no way on earth that I'd switch my loyalties, and I'd never be able to support him the same way if he played in any other jersey. That's why I want to see him at Old Trafford as long as possible.

Oh, I know that most of the media stuff was completely exaggerated. But it doesn't change the fact that all he needed to do to make it stop was say just once that he did not mind staying at OT.

*sighs* You're right of course. There's no way he's going to be here forever. I just hope it's a long time.


yanks_02 January 25 2009, 18:52:16 UTC
Awww, I never knew that about you. Well I can understand how you'd feel hurt then. Those of us who have watched him since he first stepped foot at OT realize that he always wanted to go somewhere else, and it's just bad timing that you started liking United when you did (ie. When he's getting ready to leave.)


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