It goes bing when stuff happens.

Oct 25, 2008 20:00

Hai everyone. I haff question. I was randomly searching for some Doctor Who stuff and saw some things that reminded me that I was bewildered that alot of Doctor Who fans seem to absolutely *love* Girl in the Fireplace. So I have poll question for the lot of you.

Poll Doctor Who fans.... a question for you all.

I find that the people that like Girl in the Fireplace are mostly Old Who fans who predominantly don't like the Doctor/Rose storyline in Season 2. Which, okay, I don't understand but I kind of do. And I have a feeling that among the people who don't like the episode are alot of Doctor/Rose shippers, which is very obvious as to why us shippers would hate it.

But to me it's just so... out of character from everything Ten has done and said in the previous episodes. And then in the next episode, it's back to being normal Ten and not asshat-who-leaves-Rose-and-Mickey-*AND*-the-TARDIS-behind-to-chase-a-bit-of-French-skirt!Ten. That's the thing that really baffles me. Fine, you don't like how close Rose and the Doctor are becoming because it offends your Who-sensibilities. But how about a little continuity in character traits between episodes please? I don't mind Moffatt as a writer (since he gave me The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances which are some of my favourite episodes ever) but I thought he did a really piss poor job at writing this one and it continues to be quite possibly my least favourite episode ever.

ETA: Oh, and I almost forgot to add the other part that really bothered me.. In "School Reunion", the Doctor gives Rose his speech about how humans wither and die and that's why he keeps her at arm's length and blah blah. So wtf Ten? All of a sudden it's okay to snog a human and run off and leave your other companions behind for said human even though you know she is going to die very soon?

So yeah. Just wanting to see what everyone thinks. Feel free to pass the link around as I'm pretty sure almost everyone on the flist is a Doctor/Rose shipper who dislikes this episode, so I'd like to see what others think about it.

poll, doctor who

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