Are you coming or going? Or coming and then going? Or coming and staying?

Aug 22, 2008 22:58

I was flipping through channels and stopped on Logo because they were showing Queer as Folk. It's really interesting to watch it on Logo because they censor the word "fuck." How does one show a show like Queer as Folk and censor "fuck"?

So now I'm sat on the couch with a cup of tea and season 1 in my DVD player. It could be a long night. *sighs at Brian*

In other news.. the SPCA is doing a "free adoption" day tomorrow. We went today so I could fill out the application and had a look around. I'm not sure if I'll get a dog or not. I just have always grown up with dogs and a big backyard. I feel bad only having an apartment. :( But mom's in Jacksonville for the next week so I have a week to be all "PLS don't eat that! Pls be good."

There was one though. A 2 year old female Shepherd type mix (looked like Collie because she was pretty little) that seemed very calm and wonderful. I couldn't get her out of the cage because you have to be approved for adoption before you can do that (and they have to call my apartment complex tomorrow to make sure I can have a dog before I can get approved.) So we'll see how she interacts with me tomorrow.

LOL holy hell. I didn't realize the "special K" Brian was talking about in the first episode was 'ketamine'. Ketamine! Who would use ketamine as a recreational drug?!?! Ketamine is a really horrible anesthetic that we gave in the ER to kids who had like broken their arms and needed to have them set back into place. It's a shitty anesthetic to give because you can have really horrible dreams while you are under it. You can literally influence the person to dream what you want them to dream. Before the little kids would go to sleep, we'd tell them to imagine playing soccer or whatever they liked doing so they would dream about that instead of having an awful dream. And you had to be quiet while they were asleep because loud noises and bright lights could cause them to panic.

So why exactly is that a good recreational drug to take? LOL. And how old do I feel now lol? Looking up things that I see on Queer as Folk on wikipedia and then being all "why would anyone take that?!?!"

*giggles* "That's why you should never take drugs that aren't prescribed by a physician or recommended by a reliable pharmacist." I love Brian's look of disgust at him lmao.

queer as folk, tv watching, trust me; i'm a doctor

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