Ok, I found a couple of them, here is one:
http://www.odbrmls.com/scripts/mgrqispi.dll?APPNAME=Nyst&PRGNAME=MLSLogin&ARGUMENTS=-AOL,-AL,-A,-N57447,-APV a wee bit out of my price range, but considering the locality and what comes with it, it is pretty decent priced. I can just picture putting Adirondak furniture in this place, how could one not do that??? Ok, never mind that one, lol. Anyways, I can picture lazying around there, and watching the deer, the coyotes, squirrels, chipmuncks, raccoons, skunks (yew), a stray bear (but if this is in the area I think it is, maybe not) or mountain lion. The only bad thing that is in Norhole...oops, mean Norwich. :-) Ole nickname...
Here is another one I found that I liked in one of the smaller areas out of Norwich...
http://www.odbrmls.com/scripts/mgrqispi.dll?APPNAME=Nyst&PRGNAME=MLSLogin&ARGUMENTS=-AOL,-AL,-A,-N57726,-APV nothing fancy...but quaint.